Recent content by ppmd
  1. ppmd

    Quality EQ apps for ipod/iphone/ipad

    There is a little tag that pops up as you move the dot around the graph that shows dB and frequency. Have to say it isn't to helpful though as it is covered by my finger half the time and is really hard to be precise when it doesn't snap or anything.
  2. ppmd

    Earsonics SM3 Appreciation Thread - Third Time is a Charm?

    It has been quite humid for the past week, which was why I was concerned in the first place. You're probably right though, no orange spots. 
  3. ppmd

    Earsonics SM3 Appreciation Thread - Third Time is a Charm?

    Bit concerned about something I just noticed today, I think my drivers are rusting.   I haven't noticed any changes in sound, however I'm concerned it could develop into something more. Anyone else have this or is it just me?
  4. ppmd

    android vs. iphone for sound quailty?

    ^ Mind explaining why?
  5. ppmd

    Earsonics SM3 Appreciation Thread - Third Time is a Charm?

      ^ Mind providing the quoted price? A remould would be nice if my SM3 housing ever died.   If you can get the repair you want from earsonics then I say go for that. Remoulds would just involve too much hassle for a cable problem. Only thing I'm concerned about is the killer shipping costs...
  6. ppmd

    Earsonics SM3 Appreciation Thread - Third Time is a Charm?   Just an alternative contact route. 
  7. ppmd

    Cowon D3 Plenue. Review. With Photos.

    Great review, as always. Just a few questions. Have you tested the battery life yourself or is the indicated 21 hours just from the specs? Also, does the unit feel very solid or more loose? I find the J3 very solid compared to the S9.
  8. ppmd

    Westone UM2 (replaceable cable) or Earsonics SM2?

    The cable on the UM2 is excellent enough that its failing shouldn't be a concern as long as you don't treat them exceedingly harshly. Assuming that the cable on the DLX version of the SM2 is the same as the SM3, the SM2 falls into the same category.
  9. ppmd

    Cowon J3 Impressions Thread

    ^ Yes
  10. ppmd

    Unique Melody Remold Impressions Thread

    Ah thought it was like that, thanks again. 
  11. ppmd

    Unique Melody Remold Impressions Thread

    Thanks for the quick reply.  Whats the difference between flush and recessed sockets?
  12. ppmd

    Unique Melody Remold Impressions Thread

    ^ Can you buy the cables straight from them or do you have to buy them separately? 
  13. ppmd

    Need Recommendation - Touchscreen portable media player that can sort by Genre/Album Artist/Album

      Quote: Hmm, the screenshots didn't load for me earlier so to clarify: The Album Art coverflow thing can only browse through the "Albums" alphabetically as far as I know, but the text based file browser can do the all the tags. 
  14. ppmd

    Need Recommendation - Touchscreen portable media player that can sort by Genre/Album Artist/Album

    ^ Yes it can navigate through Genre, Album and Artist but cannot browse through Album Artist
  15. ppmd

    Earsonics SM3 Appreciation Thread - Third Time is a Charm?

    I thought so too, but looking at pictures there seems to be a bore for noise to go through.  I could be completely off though, heh. 