pnoble's latest activity
  • pnoble
    pnoble reacted to Bigtime Audiophile's post in the thread AirPods Max with Like Like.
    You're asking a really great question here. I remember when I first started looking into "hi-fi headphones" and "audiophile" gear, there...
  • pnoble
    pnoble reacted to Happyprozak's post in the thread AirPods Max with Like Like.
    I’m listening to music right now on the P9’s and I find them to be several steps above the P7W’s (wired or wireless). I purchased the...
  • pnoble
    pnoble replied to the thread AirPods Max.
    Thank you, erich6!
  • pnoble
    pnoble replied to the thread AirPods Max.
    Thank you, Angelom!
  • pnoble
    pnoble replied to the thread AirPods Max.
    Thank you for the welcome, and for your detailed commentary on my post, SpinSpin! I have read this forum from time to time, sometimes...
  • pnoble
    pnoble replied to the thread AirPods Max.
    I agree, Plakat. I don't think for a moment that Apple is concerned with the extreme enthusiast market, but for both high-end audio and...
  • pnoble
    pnoble replied to the thread AirPods Max.
    Guys, I've been ploughing through this thread and have some thoughts: Firstly a shoutout to tkddans who gave us his painstakingly...