Recent content by PhantomThief
  1. PhantomThief

    Vmoda Crossfade LP, Why all the bad reviews?

    Any advice as far as volume is concerned for the burn in? Also, are you using it amped or unamped?   Also, jaja, did you try EQ-ing the Crossfades? Makes a world of difference.
  2. PhantomThief

    Vmoda Crossfade LP, Why all the bad reviews?

    I saw this post on the V-Moda Crossfade LPs, and I thought I'd ask you guys something, if you don't mind. I've previously used a Sennheiser HD448 and PX 200-II and an AKG K518LE. The HD448 was too bass light for me though the mids and highs were truly beautiful, the PX 200-II was a nice all...
  3. PhantomThief

    Need help choosing a pair of closed, portable, circumaural cans on a budget

    I'm getting very tempted to go for the UE6000s now. It's a fair jump over what I initially planned to spend though. What do you think of the V-Moda Crossfade LP though? I could get those for the same price as the UE, and I think they would be more durable, since there's spare parts galore for...
  4. PhantomThief

    Need help choosing a pair of closed, portable, circumaural cans on a budget

    I've been looking at the Onkyo ES FC300 as well, they look lovely and I've read amazing reviews. Unfortunately, the cheapest I can find them here in Malaysia are $220, and frankly at that price I'd go for a Beyerdynamic Custom One Pro or something similar. It's unfortunately way out of my...
  5. PhantomThief

    Need help choosing a pair of closed, portable, circumaural cans on a budget

    Can anyone else weigh in on this? I've pretty much eliminated the Sennheiser HD449 from the list, but I'm still undecided between the Philips Uptown, UE6000 and V-Moda Crossfade LP. If possible, I'd like something that's pretty tough and durable, so that I don't have to get another new pair...
  6. PhantomThief

    Choosing First Headphones: Full Sized, Comfortable, Under $100, Office/General Usage/Electronic/Metal/Rock

    Haha, take a quick look at Head-Fi's winter buying guide. There are a whole bunch of headphones there that are at least 10 years old, if not more. Fortunately, headphone technology does not advance quite as quickly as our silicon does. I get what you're getting at, as I'm also a keen builder of...
  7. PhantomThief

    Need help choosing a pair of closed, portable, circumaural cans on a budget

    I'm tempted to get the UE 6000s too, but unfortunately the price point is pretty different here in Malaysia, usually a hefty $50 or so more. I wouldn't mind splurging, but my New Year's resolution has been to cut down on excessive spending, and I'd hate to break my resolution so early in the...
  8. PhantomThief

    Choosing First Headphones: Full Sized, Comfortable, Under $100, Office/General Usage/Electronic/Metal/Rock

    Hey there,   I'm a newbie in this forum myself, but I've been taking a look around for good headphones to complement my current set too. And I think the most commonly recommended "audiophile" open headphones in that price range would be Grado. Check out the SR60 and SR80 reviews on this site...
  9. PhantomThief

    Need help choosing a pair of closed, portable, circumaural cans on a budget

    Hey zap, Thanks for the reply. I've been reading good things about the uptown too, but unfortunately I can only find one company selling it here in Malaysia, and it's about $110. Getting it from anywhere else costs a bomb in shipping, and I don't look forward to the possible custom duty or tax...
  10. PhantomThief

    Need help choosing a pair of closed, portable, circumaural cans on a budget

    Hi guys,   Been a long time reader of this forum, but I finally decided to take the leap and register. Here's to hoping my wallet doesn't take a hit! :P   Anyway, a little background on my history with headphones first. I took my first step into the world of good music about a year after I...