Recent content by pfrederi1
  1. P

    Lotoo Paw 6000 (2019)

    I am so frustrated with this player that it wont play to my cars Bluetooth. It recognizes it but non of the functions work and theres no sound at all. Im at my wits end. I just went and updated the firmware to from hoping that maybe something would make it work. I also tried...
  2. P

    Lotoo Paw 6000 (2019)

    Thanks I only got the message once so far so ill continue using my current Micro Sd Card that i have but hopefully the message does not come up again. ill checkout that PMEQ manual ass well. Thx
  3. P

    Lotoo Paw 6000 (2019)

    Ok Thx Ill have to try that. I thought it was bi-directional at the same time.
  4. P

    Lotoo Paw 6000 (2019)

    Thanks a lot man!!! makes sense now. At least im halfway there now lol. So after what u said i played around with it so "Key Lock" actually locks all the physical keys EXCEPT the POWER and VOL dial (separate lock function). And "Double Click" i see now is actually what u said and only applies...
  5. P

    Lotoo Paw 6000 (2019)

    Hi I too just purchased a PAW 6000 and returned the AK KANN Alpha as I did not like it. Im liking the PAW 6000 but it is lacking vs the KANN Alpha as far as having no streaming. And I dnt like the fact that it doesnt link Bluetooth to my Klipsch the One BT Speaker. Other than that it sounds...
  6. P

    Lotoo PAW S1 - Designed for HIFI on the go with Lotoo PAW quality and the first USB DAC-AMP with dual 3.5mm & 4.4mm output

    Yeah I was more looking for recommendations for a pair of good closed back headphones that the PAW 6000 can drive well to give me good sound w/o the need for an external amp. Also sorry for the questions but i just joined this site. what do i have to do to be able to post my own thread topics...
  7. P

    Lotoo PAW S1 - Designed for HIFI on the go with Lotoo PAW quality and the first USB DAC-AMP with dual 3.5mm & 4.4mm output

    Ok Thx yeah I was looking for a good DAP to where i would not have to stack an additional amp on top to get great sound. But I hooked up my Fiio A3 and it sounds waaaay better but i again i was hoping to not to have to do that thats part of the reason why i splurged and got this PAW 6000. I was...
  8. P

    Lotoo PAW S1 - Designed for HIFI on the go with Lotoo PAW quality and the first USB DAC-AMP with dual 3.5mm & 4.4mm output

    How do you like your PAW 6000. I just purchased mine but im trying to get the best closed back headphones and\or IEM to pair it with. Currently I have the ATH-MSR7b closed back headphones and they sound ok but i would like more power and clarity. Ialso have the RHA IEM T20i they sound great...