Recent content by petersink
  1. petersink

    Reviewers Wanted: Be One Of The First to Experience the RHA T10i

    I respect your opinion, but just like mine... It's just that, an opinion. Extortionism I think is stretching this far beyond the original intention as most here are biased anyhow, since they all want free product. All companies come out with subsequent products that are meant to typically (and...
  2. petersink

    Reviewers Wanted: Be One Of The First to Experience the RHA T10i

    Yes, of course, shame on me for being frustrated with my purchase's short term failure. It sure makes me the bad guy. On the contrary fellas, this is the golden ticket actually. If a team is confident about rheir product and know they make a good one, there is no better opportunity than the one...
  3. petersink

    Reviewers Wanted: Be One Of The First to Experience the RHA T10i

    Hello RHA Team!   I actually found this thread our of my frustration with RHA to be honest.  I have been a long time headphone user and have an audiophile history of well over 25 years.   I came to the thread after just submitting a warranty request for my 750i's, which I bought at the Apple...