Recent content by Paul Cathcart
  1. P

    OPPO HA-2 Portable Headphone Amplifier/DAC Discussion Thread

    That’s not the HA-2, that’s the drivers for the HA-2 SE, which are incompatible. The drivers on the same website for the HA-2 are dead links. Click on the uk links and see.
  2. P

    OPPO HA-2 Portable Headphone Amplifier/DAC Discussion Thread

    * I got it to work. Thanks for looking! * I couldn’t be later to the Oppo ha-2 but I picked one up for £40 on eBay and it sounds incredible with my Focal Elegia. My big problem is, having gone bust, Oppo have removed the windows drivers. Does anyone have a copy? Thank you for reading, Paul