Recent content by Paris
  1. Paris

    UE 5 Pro and 5EB

    hi, i cant seem to attached the pic ???? i would prefer the SQ of the 5 Pro as the vocals is clearer and it gives a better balance of vocal and bass ........ But being a bass head, i too enjoy the BASS of the 5EB .. ha ha
  2. Paris

    UE 5 Pro and 5EB

    hi guys I own a 5EB all along and decided to try the 5 Pro. i just bought a air of the Red 5 Pro and just received it yesterday. When i compare the wires on my EB and my Pro, i noticed that the wires on my Pro is much thinner than the wires on my EB though i think both of them is the...
  3. Paris

    How are Shure E2c's?

    i love my e2s.. i would go for it man.. however, just a reminder, YMMV as canal phones depends a lot on the fit of your ear. I feel that i have fantestic sound as i think i may have a "perfect" fit.. so it all may varies from ear and ear
  4. Paris

    Shure E5, E2 and E3 Funny Story

    just to add my 2 cents i was just wondering ..... does it matter what Shure does to the returned phones ? (of course as long as they dont sell it to me of course ) even if Shure does throws them away.. its should not have any effect on our morals right ? i mean just because they will throw...
  5. Paris

    Shure cases

    actually what i am using now as a portable carrying case for my e2 is one of those leather case that is actually meant to put in a pack of a 20 stick cigarette. though protection is not fantestic but at least my phones not just lying out in the open
  6. Paris

    got my shure e2s..a few questions

    hmm... i feel that with the foamies i can really position the phones correctly at my ear canel and thus giving me a very good sound with good treble and bass. with the clear flex sleeve, i cant seem to position it in the same manner thus resulting in a sound which seems a little distant and...
  7. Paris

    E3C worth the extra $$ over E2s?

    Quote: Originally Posted by btabcdefg I said "comparable". I never seriously listen to a E5 cos I do not own one. (I did listen to my frns' briefly though) Maybe E5 is better. I a'int sure . Yet the Ety's is built for the purpose for giving the goods of full-sized cans with portable...
  8. Paris

    E3C worth the extra $$ over E2s?

    Quote: Originally Posted by toaster22 this thread is becoming pretty useless... paris - for the most advice, you really oughta look at full reviews of these phones. you'll get the most info and advice that way. and it will be more than just superficial. well i may have...
  9. Paris

    E3C worth the extra $$ over E2s?

    Quote: Originally Posted by toaster22 paris, you're weird. well, just a personal observation and from wat i gathered from my non audiophile friends.. thats what they feel about the looks of the E3s .
  10. Paris

    E3C worth the extra $$ over E2s?

    i love my E2s ...... Looks-wise well call me weird but i do prefer the look of the E2s to the E3s. As i could no find a place to test out the phones before purchase, i got to base a small percentage on looks and to add i wanted the phone cable to go behind my back as as to give me...
  11. Paris

    Weak Bass on E2cs?

    yeah.... i think that u did not get a gd seal. bass i pumping gd for my set
  12. Paris

    Etymotic or Shure earplugs for ipod???? HELP!!

    currently using the E2. Love the sound that i am getting from it. i would certainly recommend it for your price range
  13. Paris

    shure e3's vs e2's are the e3's worth the extra

    a littel bump fpr this thread.... did try search but the search function seemed to be disabled by the administartor..... anyway, the thing i dont like abt the e2 is that i find that it is not clear enough. however i find that it is great with a light touch of eq. will the e3 be much...
  14. Paris

    Great Shure Service

    i had great sevice from them even before i had any problems with my e2s.... anyway with their help ,i had manage to find out what is the prolem with my e2s and if nothing goes wrong.. my replacement set shoule serve me for a long time...
  15. Paris

    shure e3's vs e2's are the e3's worth the extra

    hi i fin dmyself in the same siyuation now.. namely i am given the option to upgrade my e2 to e3... what i do like is a tight bass, clear vocals and details... what i like to listen is to pop (Kylie rules ), Mariah Carey and jazz(smooth and bossa nova)...btw i encode my mp3s in low...