Recent content by paramex
  1. paramex

    DGS100 Appreciation thread. The game changing budget-fi two-way hybrid universal IEM

    Haha, thank you! Hope the money stays in there after this lol   Also thanks, @1clearhead!
  2. paramex

    DGS100 Appreciation thread. The game changing budget-fi two-way hybrid universal IEM

    Hey guys,   A long time lurker here :) Just got myself DSG100 and a new brand spanking Fioo X1 and for my need they are excellent! Definitely an upgrade from Xcape Sunrise powered by old cowon iAudio player (forgot the model number, the really small one)   Just wanted to say thank you for...
  3. paramex

    How large is your iTunes library?

    mine's about 6000 songs occupying approx. 30gb, loooong way to go lol
  4. paramex

    Which program do you use to playback audio on PC?

    hmm seems llike I'm one of the almost extinct species called WMP user Laziness rules!! oh, and iTunes sucks (wears flame suit)
  5. paramex

    Head-Fi has become a drug for me..keeps pulling me back in!!!

    I feel for you all, people, we're in this together. I still remember how my wife reacted when one day those packages came together on one day lol. What have we let ourselves into? Oh the agony...
  6. paramex

    Dr.Jan Meier's Shipping HeadFives!

    Quote: Originally Posted by Hendrix ........ Now I have to break the news to my wife I have another amp coming!!! Curse you Headfi! HAHAHA totally understand what u mean, man. Wish there was a workaround LOL
  7. paramex

    ipod/PA2V2... worth it?

    whoa. all this recommendation makes me itchin' to get me one
  8. paramex

    I have come a long way... How did I do?

    Quote: Originally Posted by kool bubba ice I got the upgraditits pretty bad..Bought my 595's Wed, & I'm gettings my 650's Tuesday.Why could my hobby be drawing.. or doing PUSH-UPS