- Headphone Inventory
- ATH-AD2000 DIY recabled balanced
Beyer DT880/600
Fischer dba-02
Equation rp-21 x2
Sony Mdr-v4 + Panasonic RP-HG20 pads
Had :
Hd595, Shure e4c, ety er-4
HD600 with Cardas cable
Stax Lambda pro
- Headphone Amp Inventory
- Antique SoundLabs HB1
Antique SoundLabs Twinhead Mk1
Einar Sound VC-01i
Meier Headfive
Stax SRD-7 pro
- Source Inventory
- Raysonic cd-128 w/ amperex 6922
Partsconnexion level 2 denon sd-5900
Technics sl1200mk5 with Clearaudio aurum beta S wood
Technics sl1200mk5 with goldring 1042
Cambridge D89
Cambridge audio Azur 540p
Had : Musiland Md-10, Entech 203.2
Citypule da7.2, acurus acd-11
Shanling T-1000se
Thorens TD160 Mk2, with shure 15 v4 and Zafira 6633 stylus.
Music Hall mmf-5
- Cable Inventory
- Not too relevant for now, I better focus on the parts first.....
- Power-Related Components
- Had:
VD power 3
- Other Audio Equipment
- Monitor audio RX-6
Odyssey Stratos
Classe cp-35
Tubemagic m48se
Had : Monitor Audio RS-5
Pioneer A-35R
ASL AQ1010dt
- Audio-Related Tweaks
- Lots of DIY room treatments!
Polydiffusers, bass traps, quadratic diffusers, absorption panels.
DIY speaker stands (Cabriuva/Cherry)
- Music Preferences
- Open to everything, but I listen right now to:
Rock (60's to 00's, soft, hard, alternative), Jazz, Classical, Blues.
- Occupation
- student
To see my rig, go see my profile. Duh.