Recent content by paper9
  1. paper9

    We Are The World With Headphones

    Do you see the cable's color is different? Maybe it really is a custom made =)
  2. paper9

    We Are The World With Headphones

    Honestly, can anyone identify all the headphone that's used in the clip?
  3. paper9

    Ipod Classic (120GB) + RE0 hifiman

    From my opinion, the LOD is a must. I never *dare* to listen to my iPod classic via its 3.5 mm.
  4. paper9

    Being forced to quit IEM's...

    My ear also have little to none earwax, it does itching after over 3 hour constant listening but nothing more seriously beside that (I used comply, olive, sillicon v.v...). Lucky me, huh
  5. paper9

    Ipod Classic (120GB) + RE0 hifiman

    Quote: 1. I hate to say this and pls pardon me but I have always found the Ipods to be a pure gutless Mp3 player without a doubt even for something that size. On the other note, as your living in Europe I know as a fact that the Ipods there has a Cap on the Vol on it, the same rules...
  6. paper9

    *Weird set up* anyone tried this ?

    This is my weird *portable* set-up at a bore-to-death night : Touch 3 -> LOD -> 3Move -> IC -> D2 Boa -> Westone UM2. First of all, this is just for pure curious purpose but when I listen to it,result turn to be quite surprising. The overall sound is fuller and much smoother compare to a...
  7. paper9

    Unique Melody Remold Impressions Thread

    Quick review by dscans (right in this thread) This and this
  8. paper9

    Unique Melody Remold Impressions Thread

    Quote: What is included for 229$ ? remould + mid driver ? Nope, just reshell no addition driver. I don't want ask myself "is it used to be my TF10 ?" in the future
  9. paper9

    Unique Melody Remold Impressions Thread

    I'm going to recieve my custom TF10 2 weeks later from UM. The local store charge me 229$ for all the expenses neccesary. Compare to you guys is the deal good or bad ?
  10. paper9

    JH13 Pro - remold in UM or another company

    wow, it's totally off topic since post 2. Head-fier sure is amazing O.o
  11. paper9

    Do you use amp in public?

    Never ever let Ipod drive my UM2 after I purchasing an amp
  12. paper9

    um1's too loud

    My UM2 with Ipod classic at the lowest lv is very very quiet, so does that mean something wrong with my ear - or my rig
  13. paper9

    very cheap k701 amp

    I'm confused, you're looking for an amp to pair with K701 but you also want to "connect it directly" to Ipod? With an amp, I think it has to be this way: Ipod -> LOD -> amp -> K701 ? So what "directly" mean :-??