Recent content by Panthor
  1. Panthor

    xDuoo X2 - small lossless player with microSD and OLED!

    Press and hold the menu button, you will get the menu screen where you can see the firmware version
  2. Panthor

    xDuoo X2 - small lossless player with microSD and OLED!

    Tell me about it :) Even though I knew there will be a well camouflaged screen protector I was still wondering to myself  - "am I actually removing a screen protector or there is none and I'm actually destroying my screen right now with my fingernails?".   So a note to future owners of Xduoo...
  3. Panthor

    xDuoo X2 - small lossless player with microSD and OLED!

    If I wasn't paying close attention to this thread god only knows how long would I be staring at the screen protector:) V6 you say? Yeah I'll give it a shot, why not, thx.
  4. Panthor

    xDuoo X2 - small lossless player with microSD and OLED!

    Just got it yesterday and I agree its super cute, small and portable. It took me 2 minutes to get to know the UI, it's not rockbox but it will sufice. The screen though :D it's the worst thing ever. I got it only for a day and so far everything is cool with me except that mirror screen and the...
  5. Panthor

    xDuoo X2 - small lossless player with microSD and OLED!

    My X2 is in the mail, I guess now I have to become a Nasa scientist :)
  6. Panthor

    [2021 Update] Venture Electronics (VE) Monk V2, Monk Plus & Monk Go: a $5 earbud that taking the world by storm!!!

    Mine havent been shipped too, and I got quick on them - price adjustment and payment.
  7. Panthor

    [2021 Update] Venture Electronics (VE) Monk V2, Monk Plus & Monk Go: a $5 earbud that taking the world by storm!!!

    My price just got adjusted, $7.43 in total with shipping.  Now I play the waiting game :)
  8. Panthor

    New Member Introductions thread

    Just saying "Hi" to this forum.   I've been lurking for a week now and really liked the what I see from the community and decided to take a more active role.   I found this forum because my sansa clip zip got stolen and I needed a replacement asap, so I started googling and here I am.  ...
  9. Panthor

    are these fake?

    The box looks legit considering the thread Music Alchemist posted.   But that Ebay seller has a such a low feedback of (46) and his only negative feedback is about fake headphones.   If I were you I would stay away.