Recent content by Pablo32
  1. Pablo32

    What do you think?

    If I were a ninja, I would OK those girls, sword cutting togues like salami.
  2. Pablo32

    Burned CD's -- hear the difference?

    Probably just somatoform
  3. Pablo32

    Used an AC wall wart on my cmoy...

    By accident and my headphones emitted a loud humming/popping sound. The headphones are fine but when I use a DC wall wart all I get is a soft humming sound. Did I burn out my op-amp? It's socketed so can I just order a new one and switch it in? Or could other components be burned out as well?
  4. Pablo32

    DC power jack +/-?

    I bought a radioshack DC power jack. Which lug, inside and outside, corrosponds to positive and negative?
  5. Pablo32

    Psychological types and headphones

    Yeah, I've had that same thought that these tests have become somewhat like astrology, but at least there is some basis to them in reality. The tests on the internet ask pretty subjective questions and rely on accurate self-assessment, which for most people is not going to happen. "Do you decide...
  6. Pablo32

    Psychological types and headphones

    Out of 18 people: 17-1 Introvert/Extravert 11-7 Intuitive/Sensing 13-5 Thinking/Feeling 15-3 Judging/Percieving It's important to realize that these quick self-assessment tests aren't really reliable. Finding your "real type" involves a 3 hour written examination and analysis, and costs...
  7. Pablo32

    Psychological types and headphones

    Like mikeliao said, there are lots of introverts. Headphones are an intense, private experience and activity, and they block out the outside world from you as well as vice versa, so it would make sense that introverts might choose them. Introverts, according to Jung, are of a 'devouring' nature...
  8. Pablo32

    Psychological types and headphones

    I had the thought recently that headphone usage and membership with the headphone community may have a correlation with Jungian/Myers-Briggs personality types. Bear with me on this one, but it would make sense that persons that utilize sensation as their percieving function would appreciate...
  9. Pablo32

    music similar to Linkin Park?

    Man, how can you even compare rage to linkin park. Rage is ****ing awsome and LP is whiney TRL rock.
  10. Pablo32

    What is he thinking (Kobe's case)

    Look at the size of those basketballs!
  11. Pablo32

    My Bloody Valentine?

    A friend recommended the "Loveless" album by My Bloody Valentine. I had a really hard time finding it but I finally did. Now this band is somewhat obscure...but they are like penguins in a world of pidgeons. In other words, they are awsome. Pretty unique, off the wall presentation. Really great...
  12. Pablo32

    MX300, 400 and 500 the same?!

    If you look at senheisers website, and you look at the specs for the MX line, you will see that the MX500 has a frequency response of 18-22000 Hz, while the 400 and 300 have 18-20000 Hz. But I guess if you can't tell the difference, there isn't much point to getting the more expensive ones.
  13. Pablo32

    This week I shall be mostly modifying...

    He's working on creating a powerful psychadelic drug from V500 extract.
  14. Pablo32

    They Cancelled That?!?!?

    Man, clerks the cartoon was ****. The movie was ****ing awsome and the cartoon was an embarassment.
  15. Pablo32

    Recommend me some bands!

    I'm on the constant lookout for interesting bands, curious like an anteater. I enjoy bands such as, King Crimson, Death in Vegas, bjork, portishead, radiohead. Please, be my musical tailors and fit me a wondrous suit of musical magic.