Recent content by p2k
  1. p2k

    Dekoni Blue Loaner Tour

    Please include me in the tour! I agree to the conditions as stated. Thank you for your consideration
  2. p2k

    If asked by a best friend what headphone Amplifier (No DAC) to buy around $500 - £400 range

    I have two great friends who have asked my advice for a desktop headphone amp to mate up with their Oppo Blu-Ray Player they use as a DAC. They don't want to dump the Oppo. They just want an amp. They are rock musicians with intact hearing and they recognize SQ differences. I suggested the...
  3. p2k

    Goldpoint Headphone Pro

    yes, the latest and greatest. The transparency and frequency extension is immediately noticeable. The noise floor is outstanding, inky black. I also don't seem to have the clicking between volume knob gradations.
  4. p2k

    Goldpoint Headphone Pro

    Just had to jump in here and say that I received my GP Headphone Pro on Friday. I listened to it over the weekend for about 8 hours. It may not be fully burned in of course, and it very well may not need it, but I gotta tell you it sounds fantastic!! My MD5000s never had it so good. I'll post...
  5. p2k

    Usb 24 192khz M2tech Hiface

    yeesh... that m2techenstein is downright scary looking. I love mine. I listen mostly to 16/44 and squeezing the turnip for the last drop is beyond my needs. Nice to see the theoretical become reality.
  6. p2k

    New Luxman P1u amp

    Nice. Love your stand for the HD800. curious to see what you think of the new Lux.