Recent content by oryx
  1. oryx

    Meier-Audio CORDA Aria

    Hi all, I've got my Porta Corda II currently coming out of the headphone out of my PowerMac G5, as I don't own a DAC. The Aria is nice for the USB DAC (the G5 has digital optical out, but my Powerbook doesn't), but for those of you who've heard it, will the external DAC and better amp of the...
  2. oryx

    For commuting: what are the best cans with high comfort levels?

    I think for walking, you could probably go either way with closed or open, depends on the ambient noise around you on your commute (and you'd know this better than I would - are you walking in somewhere like downtown Manhattan or down suburban streets? Are there lots of loud noises that you...
  3. oryx

    HD580 vs. ER4P for home listening?

    For what it's worth, I have the Ety ER6's (bought almost a year ago after considerable lurking here) and just picked up the Senn HD580s. I've read the the ER4s have more bass, but with the ER6's, it's present but not nearly as satisfying as with my old Grado SR60's, or the Sennheisers, for that...
  4. oryx

    Meier Audio Porta Corda MkII Group Buys (One for U.S., One for Europe)

    US/1 (First post here, I registered to get in on the deal. Thanks to extensive lurking on this forum, I bought they Etymotic ER-6's about eight months ago to go with my iPod, and to complement my Grado SR60s for regular listening. So I'm a bit of an audio tyro, but appear to be in good...