Recent content by orthohead
  1. orthohead

    HE-5..initial musings

    Quote: Originally Posted by immtbiker When my parents bought a beautiful house in '66 it was made to their specifications. We slept in it before it was finished. When they handed it over to us, the Refrigerator didn't work . The bathroom sink leaked through the drain pipe, and the...
  2. orthohead

    DFW Meet Jan 23 2010 Impressions

    Quote: Originally Posted by Jon L Dang, that impedance hump is right in the upper-bass/low-midrange area. No wonder it takes a STOUT amp to make HD800 not limpid that that range.. another way of looking at it, a poor headphone design or implementation or both...
  3. orthohead

    Orthodynamic Roundup

    Quote: Originally Posted by mypasswordis The midrange is nothing special, either. I guess this coming from a stat fan, i'll pass this off to personal preference/modding abilities(?) as i find the midrange on a modded T50RP to be quite fantastic and I am quite sure I am not alone...
  4. orthohead

    Orthodynamic Roundup

    Quote: Originally Posted by mypasswordis Uh, most orthos aren't closed? The T40v1 is one of the few, and it's the only closed headphone I've heard that I like. And only after modding. The DIY ones look quite well done..those were the ones i was referring to. The T50RP isn't too...
  5. orthohead

    Orthodynamic Roundup

    Quote: Originally Posted by mypasswordis Send me a "properly" executed closed headphone that sounds good with good headstage and I'll believe you. It will be hard, I hate closed headphones. haha...i wouldn't send you one, but by looking through this thread there are already some...
  6. orthohead

    Orthodynamic Roundup

    Quote: Originally Posted by mypasswordis That's how I damp too. This method doesn't really bode well f you are trying to get the maximum out of an ortho. There is a method to the madness in using donuts and pucks.. Quote: It's not just headstage with vent damping, imo...
  7. orthohead

    Orthodynamic Roundup

    looks like we are going to have a bidding war on that Leak 3000..i want one bad for that badge. nice collection of orthos boilermakerfan.
  8. orthohead

    Orthodynamic Roundup

    Quote: Originally Posted by DefectiveAudioComponent Great pictures I have never seen an orhto driver with plates that can be removed like that before. If that's really a bass heavy PMB driver, then that's a great thing! (and something that might make Wualta even angrier about...
  9. orthohead

    F-22 replacement

    Quote: Originally Posted by gevorg I'm no "armchair general" to judge which aircraft is best, but the Su-27 variants are so much maneuverable, agile and impressive. Haven't seen anything that can do anything close, not even F-xx, Migs, Eurofighters, etc. As for F-22, I hope it will...
  10. orthohead

    Orthodynamic Roundup

    Quote: Originally Posted by ourfpshero check this local find out! Nice find!! wanna part with a pair?
  11. orthohead

    F-22 replacement

    Quote: Originally Posted by sohels No offense, but despite the "poor reliability records, crap avionics, and ordinance of questionable quality"? Or does that not afflict the MiG-35? Also begs the question - why not just build more Su-30MKI's? Doesn't make sense going for the...