Recent content by Origen
  1. Origen

    Mahler Symphonies Favorite Recordings

    I'm willing to start such a thread, but it would be a more useful resource if other Mahler experts contributed too. You can also offer a list. We'd have to agree to one ground rule in advance: No poster needs to "contribute" 500 posts on his favorite Mahler. Let's limit it to no more than...
  2. Origen

    Mahler Symphonies Favorite Recordings

    This unwieldy thread is now so long it's practically useless for anyone wanting to find what other people's favorite Mahler recordings are. Perhaps a new, concise, and less self-indulgent thread would be better.
  3. Origen

    Ernst Bloch

    Quote: Originally Posted by mbhaub Doc: I can't say Bloch is among my favorite composers, but he wrote one work that I love tremendously and just wish he had written more like it. I'm speaking of his early Symphony in C# minor. I find it to be a thrilling, atmospheric, heroic work...
  4. Origen

    Ernst Bloch

    Quote: Originally Posted by Doc Sarvis I've tried on occasion to get a discussion going here on this 20th century American composer, without success. I conclude that he isn't well-known here, so I'll put in another plug. I continue to be amazed with his stuff - here are a few...
  5. Origen

    Mahler Symphonies Favorite Recordings

    Quote: Originally Posted by mbhaub I had to make time to comment on these comments about conductors, classic recordings, etc. SNIP EXCELLENT post.
  6. Origen

    Mahler this a good recording? Anyone familiar w World Premiere Mahler No 10?

    I don't know. But the best I have heard for M10 is Mark Wigglesworth, by far:
  7. Origen

    Joni Mitchell

    Quote: Originally Posted by Ruggerio79 i see i got you going there. cool. I hadn't realized you were trolling. Well, even so, at least the thread has been useful to steer readers towards Joni's excellent work and away from her crappy work. Unless you're someone who thinks that...
  8. Origen

    Joni Mitchell

    Other titles to avoid: Shadows and Light: Live album of crappy jazz arrangements. Night Ride Home: Failed attempt to make a folky comeback; the songs are pretty crappy. Wild Things Run Fast: Another of Joni's failed stabs, this time at making a pop comeback. Again, the songs are pretty...
  9. Origen

    Super Furry Animals

    So is "dope" a compliment nowadays with kids?
  10. Origen

    Mahler Symphonies Favorite Recordings

    Quote: Originally Posted by seacard That's actually partly true, since much of it is luck. Chess is all luck too: It all depends on whether your opponent is lucky enough to guess what you're thinking.
  11. Origen

    Joni Mitchell

    I was listening to Joni's records before you were even born, and I'll offer my opinion about which of her albums stink and which ones don't whether you think I should be able to or not.
  12. Origen

    Neil Young-Archives!

    It looks like Young decided to go with a single disc rather than a double, so could include only half the songs. A dumb move on his part. He's not going to have that many extra sales by making it a single disc, and what's he need with more money anyway. Real Young fans would much prefer to have...
  13. Origen

    Joni Mitchell

    Warning! Do not buy either of her last two regular releases (not counting her many many greatest hits repackages). They are both with symphony orchestras backing her and Joni is horrible. Her voice is shot and her idea of singing soulfully is to sing everything S -- L -- O -- W -- L -- Y. Stick...
  14. Origen

    Mahler Symphonies Favorite Recordings

    Quote: Originally Posted by Bunnyears I'll let you have the antiques, all of the C minus sound quality recordings. I'll keep the modern recordings with the A plus performances. Great, I really appreciate it. I will send you my mailing address. I assume you want me to pay the postage?
  15. Origen

    Mahler Symphonies Favorite Recordings

    Seacard, And any guy who has watched football games on TV could do just as well as any coach. What kind of skill does it take, anyway, to tell the team to go out there and run play 5A? If the owners find out about this, they're liable to save a few million bucks and hire some beer drinker...