Recent content by OnyxiasLair
  1. OnyxiasLair

    Any recommendations of headphones within this criteria would be much appreciated!

      Will need a hefty amp with the HD600/650, and no idea how to hook a headphone amp to an interface! I'll look at the MSR7! Cheers!
  2. OnyxiasLair

    Any recommendations of headphones within this criteria would be much appreciated!

      Thanks for your help :)   Think i'll steer clear from the K7XX. I'd quite like something that I can plug straight into my interface! 
  3. OnyxiasLair

    Headphones for metal music - ultimate solution

    What's everyone's favourite headphone for metal that doesn't require an amp?
  4. OnyxiasLair

    Any recommendations of headphones within this criteria would be much appreciated!

    Ohhh apologies! Haha. Thanks! I'll check them out, I'll need an amp I'm guessing. Can I use a headphone amp with my audio interface?
  5. OnyxiasLair

    Any recommendations of headphones within this criteria would be much appreciated!

      It's this one. Would it be able to drive Beyerdynamics? I've heard good things about those!   I've heard my friends AKG K702s, but they sound quite 'sterile' and cold. Great for...
  6. OnyxiasLair

    Any recommendations of headphones within this criteria would be much appreciated!

    Hey! Any help would be fantastic. Budget - £200/$260 Use - Home use. Not need for isolation, but comfort is a must! Genres - Rock/Metal and also gaming! Amp? - I'll be using it with my audio interface that I use for my guitar, so no, I don't have a dedicated amp unfortunately! Also, I...