Recent content by OnlyBadMusic
  1. OnlyBadMusic

    = HiFiMAN HE-560 Impressions & Discussion Thread =

    They do repairs without warranty?
  2. OnlyBadMusic

    = HiFiMAN HE-560 Impressions & Discussion Thread =

    Anyone have an idea of how to fix a distortion problem? :( It's only present in the left ear, and goes away randomly sometimes. I'll turn the volume off then back up and it'll be completely gone, then I'll do it again and the distortion is unbearable. Seems to happen in all frequencies, from...
  3. OnlyBadMusic

    = HiFiMAN HE-560 Impressions & Discussion Thread =

    If anyone is still on the fence about an amp, I can't recommend enough the Project Polaris. It has a bandwidth feature to soften the "sharp highs" on the HE-560 and makes it perfect. Lots of detailed specs on the website too.
  4. OnlyBadMusic

    who wants to help me spend my money?

    Razor dog has an open box HifiMan HE-400i for 395 right now. Very nice headphones compared to anything in your list. Use them with your e11k for now, and if you're not satisfied, THEN upgrade your amp.   Side note: make sure your DAC and source are also up to snuff.
  5. OnlyBadMusic

    No Shame on Audeze!!! Buyer needn't beware.

    So glad I went with HifiMan instead (HE-560 instead of EL-8 or LCD-2). Dr. Fang seems to really care about his customers.   Audeze will have to change the way they do things if they ever want my business in the future.
  6. OnlyBadMusic

    = HiFiMAN HE-560 Impressions & Discussion Thread =

    Got the 2.4W Project Polaris and 12 o'clock is MORE than loud enough. Anything past that and it's going to cause hearing damage.
  7. OnlyBadMusic

    New from Garage1217, the solid-state Project Polaris!

    I have the HE-560 so they're pretty transparent. I'm not interested in DSD. I'll check those out thanks.
  8. OnlyBadMusic

    = HiFiMAN HE-560 Impressions & Discussion Thread =

    I was in the same position, then I was pointed in the direction of the Project Polaris. After a few hours of research I pulled the trigger.
  9. OnlyBadMusic

    Just got my ODAC and meh...

    Damn, I do love the sound of the X1 but I thought something more dedicated would blow it out of the water. Guess I'll have to audition DACs before I make any purchases haha.
  10. OnlyBadMusic

    Schiit Modi USB DAC

    When people compare the Modi 2 Uber to the Bifrost, is it because of SQ or wealth of inputs/outputs?
  11. OnlyBadMusic

    Just got my ODAC and meh...

    What do you mean by "huge difference"? Is it still clear and wide enough to enjoy? I have an X1 and was going to use it line-out with my incoming Project Polaris until I decided on a DAC, and I was thinking about getting the ODAC haha
  12. OnlyBadMusic

    New from Garage1217, the solid-state Project Polaris!

    What would be a solid DAC upgrade from the Modi? (That I am pairing with my Polaris)
  13. OnlyBadMusic

    = HiFiMAN HE-560 Impressions & Discussion Thread =

      I was initially turned away from those amps because they only looked like DIY projects; I even thought for a second they were just schematics . I know my way around electrical boards and such, but I just don't want to deal with it. Upon further research I see they have pre-built options and...
  14. OnlyBadMusic

    = HiFiMAN HE-560 Impressions & Discussion Thread =

    Because I want to listen to music in different locations?
  15. OnlyBadMusic

    = HiFiMAN HE-560 Impressions & Discussion Thread =

    Okay okay i'll trust you guys that the Asgard is worth it over the Magni. It's a little sad because the Asgard looks a little difficult to transport (in a bag, not "portable"), but you guys are making it sound worth it. Thanks!