Recent content by ohyeadude
  1. ohyeadude

    How to determine if Sennhieser CX500 is a fake

    hey im back, i just wanna keep this page updated since i recently got a new pair of CX500 and here are some strange things i noticed. 1. the new pair's sound is VERY different to the my last pair (i got both of them from Ebay), the bass is much more prominent (VERY powerful but still sounded...
  2. ohyeadude

    How to determine if Sennhieser CX500 is a fake

    sounds good, i haven't left a feedback yet hehe, but damn i'm happy with the sound, it runs circle around my Sony MRD EX90LP and my Panasonic RP. I turn on the SRS-WOW stereo mode on my Mp4 its insane
  3. ohyeadude

    Microphonics - are all IEMs/canalphones this bad?

    can anyone show a pic of how to use the shirt clip properly??
  4. ohyeadude

    iems for low bitrate mp3

    I have some mp3s concoded with low bit-rate 128 or 192, and the Sennheisers cx500 I have is great for them, definitely good enough and really brings out the music, definitely stay away from those high-end analytical IEMs IMO. P.S you can find genuine cx500 pretty cheap in Australia
  5. ohyeadude

    How to determine if Sennhieser CX500 is a fake

    don't jump to conclusion so quick, there ARE some good quality genuine cx500s on ebay, i got mine fairly cheap. you just need to look thru them carefully as there are a lot of fakes. my cx500 sounds great, good soundstage, good clarity, good highs and lows and tight bass, i'm very happy with...
  6. ohyeadude

    Microphonics - are all IEMs/canalphones this bad?

    I have just got my Sennheisers cx500, yes the Microphonics is not that good, this is my first real IEM, my last pair was a Sony MDR EX90LP (semi-IEM). the sound quality is definitely the best on the cx500, great sound stage, great clarity, great highs and lows and nice tight bass, but the...
  7. ohyeadude

    Shure SE110/SE210 or Sennheiser CX500

    I just got my CX500 today, absolutely love it!!
  8. ohyeadude

    How to determine if Sennhieser CX500 is a fake

    yea in Australia the cx500 retail anywhere from $101 to $149 in the shops, that's why i was looking at the sony mdr EX85, those around $65 and the EX90LP around $100. my last pair was a fake SONY EX90LP, the bass was very strong (more bass than the genuine one) but it sounded very boomy...
  9. ohyeadude

    How to determine if Sennhieser CX500 is a fake

    thanx for the replies, I have already ordered a pair of cx500 at a bargain price (before i found this place), lets hope they are the real deal. i was initially going for Sony MDR ex85 but changed my mind when i saw the bargain. the reason i choose it is because my budget is below $60, and i...
  10. ohyeadude

    How to determine if Sennhieser CX500 is a fake

    Hi i was doing a search on the topic and found here. so what do you guys think of this: GENUINE NEW SENNHEISER CX500 EARPHONES REAL CX 500 IPOD - eBay Other Headphones, Earphones, Headphones, Earphones, MP3, Digital Accessories, Electronics. (end time 06-Aug-08 19:38:39 AEST)