Life-long musician, lover of music, and combat veteran.
Music (who doesn't have that in their profile?), Firearms, Homebrewing, DIY Electronics.
Playing music, Paintball, Homebrewing, Straight Razor Shaving, Computer gaming, Firearms, Marksmanship, Veterans Affairs, UFC, Military History, Poker.

I am also a HUGE knowledge junkie, I love learning about all kinds of useless stuff.
Headphone Inventory

Grado SR-125i

Altec Lansing Backbeat Pro
Headphone Amp Inventory
Leckerton Audio UHA-3

NuForce Icon Mobile
Source Inventory
Sansa Fuze 8 GB
Zune 8 GB
Cable Inventory
All homemade interconnects.
Other Audio Equipment
Denon Turntable.
Music Preferences
I have very eclectic tastes, so a little bit of everything. Since that answers nothing at all, I prefer (in no particular order) the various flavors Metal, Electronic Music of all varieties, Rock, and some Classical.
Electronics - G1 Smart Phone, Xbox 360, and computers.

Beer - My homebrewing kit, Stone Brewery ales

My DOVO 5/8" Hollow Ground Straight Razor

Student working towards a degree in electronics.


Sansa Fuze > Leckerton Audio UHA-3 > Grado SR-125i

Zune 8gb > NuForce Icon Mobile > Koss Portapro