Recent content by OBCblackhawk
  1. OBCblackhawk

    something loose inside headphones

    From my experience with these headphones, they get hair stuck inside the drivers past the paper-like filter. I've taken these things apart maybe 20x to pull hair out, and ive only been able to get it all out like 2x... most annoying issue I've ever had with headphones, I've had much cheaper...
  2. OBCblackhawk

    Newbie to high end audio

    I did some more reading elsewhere on the DT770 consumer 2005 version and it seems they have a brighter sound, are more open and airy. basically they sound completely different and most people quoted they sound better since they don't have the boomy bass which I liked. maybe I'm being confused by...
  3. OBCblackhawk

    Newbie to high end audio

    Well I purchased the Xonar STX last night, it was a card I was looking at but I had always heard HT Omega had some of the best sounding cards on the market. But looking at it farther I decided the STX is perfect for my needs and I like the Bur-Brown DAC's. Headphone wise I'm not entirely sure...
  4. OBCblackhawk

    Newbie to high end audio

    Quote: Originally Posted by Alydon I can't comment on the 0404 since I've not heard it. However, for you I'd suggest staying away from the Xonar DX given your price range. The Xonar DX is a great card for the price, but you'd be better off buying the Xonar Essence STX for $200 since it...
  5. OBCblackhawk

    Newbie to high end audio

    how is the e-mu 0404 compared to the HT omega or any other dedicated soundcard. Since I do alot of gaming I'm not so sure either of these options are perfect. What about the xonar DX and a cheap desktop amp to go with it?
  6. OBCblackhawk

    Newbie to high end audio

    Right now I dont even have a dedicated sound card so I am completely open to suggestions. I'm not a highly discerning listener but I would really enjoy a quality setup that I know will last. I'm also using sennheiser PC150's since I do alot of gaming but like I said I want a quality listening...
  7. OBCblackhawk

    Newbie to high end audio

    I want to get into some high quality headphones that will last me 5-10 years without spending an arm and a leg. I listen to a very wide range of music and tend to like audio deep and dark, I normally tune down high end as it usually sounds piercing and annoying to me. I like to do alot of gaming...