Nooborghini's latest activity
  • Nooborghini
    Nooborghini reacted to BassicScience's post in the thread HiFiMan Susvara with Like Like.
    Maybe because Hifiman calculates that it's in their best interests long-term to have happy customers? I'll probably never buy a Focal...
  • Nooborghini
    Nooborghini reacted to devilboy's post in the thread HiFiMan Susvara with Like Like.
    "Susvara is a dinner in a Michelin restaurant, TC is a party. When going to a party it's very obvious what's the point and it gives the...
  • Nooborghini
    Nooborghini reacted to Rayon's post in the thread HiFiMan Susvara with Like Like.
    I think TC is one of those cans that has a lot of wow factor and it can make an impression quickly, but Susvara doesn't have the same...
  • Nooborghini
    Nooborghini reacted to Exekuhtor's post in the thread HiFiMan Susvara with Like Like.
    Susvara 2. I lol'ed. It's currently THE_BEST headphone (together with the 1266) that one can buy below the "insane amount of cash"...
  • Nooborghini
    Nooborghini reacted to Somatic's post in the thread HiFiMan Susvara with Like Like.
    Sounds about right. I would like a bit wider soundstage. I’m not sure how much better it can get. Sounds perfect when properly amped. I...
  • Nooborghini
    Nooborghini replied to the thread HiFiMan Susvara.
    That's a bit extreme if they said that. I have a friend who has been listening to the HEXX for his entire time and the Susvara was night...
  • Nooborghini
    Nooborghini replied to the thread HiFiMan Susvara.
    Oh my god, they fixed their stock cable issue!? EDIT: or is the black one the older version? Is the black one just as bouncy and has...
  • Nooborghini
    Nooborghini reacted to jlbrach's post in the thread HiFiMan Susvara with Like Like.
    I think you are an earnest fellow and seem like a nice guy but the constant cheerleading for the EF1000 is a little silly..nobody knows...
  • Nooborghini
    Nooborghini reacted to SlothRock's post in the thread HiFiMan Susvara with Like Like.
    Spring 3 KTE is my DAC and I used it with the OOR before switching the OOR out for the Bliss. It has FANTASTIC synergy with the OOR -...
  • Nooborghini
    Nooborghini reacted to OhHeyItsLou's post in the thread HiFiMan Susvara with Like Like.
  • Nooborghini
    Nooborghini reacted to pfurey89's post in the thread HiFiMan Susvara with Like Like.
    While I believe an amp can absolutely make something better (with my Susvara, it indeed did), you also have to understand if you don't...
  • Nooborghini
    Nooborghini reacted to jlbrach's post in the thread HiFiMan Susvara with Like Like.
    more power or a better amp can help you get the most out of your susvara but it wont make it an abyss if that is the signature you are after
  • Nooborghini
    Nooborghini reacted to OhHeyItsLou's post in the thread HiFiMan Susvara with Like Like.
    I never said that it didn’t. In fact I said the opposite “Power them properly within reason.” The whole point of my post was people...
  • Nooborghini
    Nooborghini reacted to jlbrach's post in the thread HiFiMan Susvara with Like Like.
    agreed, I own the 1266 and susvara and too many people seem to think an amp can make the susvara into the 1266...these are 2 fantastic...
  • Nooborghini
    Nooborghini reacted to Sajid Amit's post in the thread HiFiMan Susvara with Like Like.
    Been here, buddy. Doing IEMs these days. Hope you well.