Recent content by Niight
  1. Niight

    Chord Mojo(1) DAC-amp ☆★►FAQ in 3rd post!◄★☆

      Would love to try the Elears one day =D. Enjoy your wine I'm exclusively using Spotify Premium at the moment and I've been quite happy with it. Didn't look into something like wasapi and asio therefore.     I've just received them today and they're factory new, so I guess I just have...
  2. Niight

    Chord Mojo(1) DAC-amp ☆★►FAQ in 3rd post!◄★☆

    I've got my HD 650 today and I must say I'm blown away by it, getting better by the minute . (although they're still somewhat uncomfortable)     What I'm wondering about is, maybe other HD 650 + Mojo owners can help me out here, what Volume do you set your Mojo?   I calculated 80 dB to be...
  3. Niight

    Can't decide between Schiit (U) Stack and ODAC+O2

    Thanks for your answers! Sorry for my late response.   I've decided to go with something "different" and bought a Chord Mojo, as its also quite handy on my train rides =)   Thanks for your suggestions and your help!
  4. Niight

    Can't decide between Schiit (U) Stack and ODAC+O2

    Hey,   I want to move on from my onboard sound on my PC and get a dedicated Amp and DAC. I'm listening to music only over my PC with Shure SRH 840 headphones at the moment, but am planning to buy more expensive headphones in the future (eg. Sennheiser HD 600).   My budget is around 300€.  ...
  5. Niight

    Headphones and DAC+AMP for Rock/Alternative

    Thanks for all the suggestions and help, I've ordered and received both the Sony MDR 1A and the FiiO E10K and I'm more than happy with them   Thanks for all the help!
  6. Niight

    Headphones and DAC+AMP for Rock/Alternative

    Thanks very much for the extra effort to look up where I could buy those in Europe! Unfortunately, importing from UK adds surprisingly large taxes/duties  , therefore I would like to avoid that.   To be honest, I'm pretty much sold on the Sony MDR-1A, they seem to be exactly what I need...
  7. Niight

    Headphones and DAC+AMP for Rock/Alternative

    Thanks so much for the effort! Importing from the UK is sadly often a pain in the ass and taxes/duty are surprisingly high, therefore I would prefer to avoid that.   To be honest I'm pretty sold on the Sony MDR-1A, it seems to provide everything I need: closed back, decent sound quality...
  8. Niight

    Headphones and DAC+AMP for Rock/Alternative

    The Grain Audio headphones look gorgeous, but don't seem to be available (easily) in europe =/
  9. Niight

    Headphones and DAC+AMP for Rock/Alternative

    Thanks for suggesting the Soundmagic HP150, I've not seen them before. I looked at a few reviews, and while they're praised for their sound, it appears they suffer from a rather poor build quality (relatively lots of viewers complained about them breaking apart).   On the other hand, they lead...
  10. Niight

    Headphones and DAC+AMP for Rock/Alternative

      I could increase my budget maybe a little as it is not necessarily fixed at 200€, that should just be an estimate of what I want to roughly spend, but if I can get a higher quality product thats worth it i'm not shy to spend more (could also get a cheaper amp/dac maybe...)   They should be...
  11. Niight

    Headphones and DAC+AMP for Rock/Alternative

    Thanks for your fast answer =)   I would love to buy Grados, but correct me if im wrong, arent they all open headphones?   I figured that, considering the current setup, even DT 770 Pros would be an immeasurable upgrade.
  12. Niight

    Headphones and DAC+AMP for Rock/Alternative

    Hey =)   Christmas is coming up fairly soon and I want to gift my father a better listening setup for his daily several hours-long Spotify (premium) listening sessions. At the moment he is using relatively cheap Sennheiser headphones connected over dirt cheap Logitech speakers driven by 10...