Recent content by nathers
  1. nathers

    V-MODA Shield Design Discussion

    So I got my Phantom Chrome LPs with custom shields yesterday and I love them! So pleased with how they turned out! (Shields) (Custom shields with chrome wing pieces) (Custom shields and wing pieces) Out of interest, what do you guys think of the colour of the shields? I really wanted...
  2. nathers

    V-MODA Shield Design Discussion

    Oh yeah: didn't notice that before. I did wonder how they'd got the design in black rather than white/silver, but it makes sense now.
  3. nathers

    V-MODA Shield Design Discussion

    Anybody know how these were engraved? Saw them on the Facebook page...
  4. nathers

    V-MODA Shield Design Discussion

    Hi guys, I'm looking to buy a pair of Phantom Chrome LPs from the "Private Sale" section on V-Moda's site, along with some custom shields, and I had a few questions: 1. Has anyone had any experience buying from the Private Sale bit? (i.e. this bit:
  5. nathers

    V-MODA Shield Design Discussion

    (Please see updated post below)