Recent content by Myloveamplifier
  1. Myloveamplifier

    Xiang Shen amps. 728A?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Golden Monkey Do you have a link for the 728? Any particular reason you're interested in the 708? How about modding? Stock, the 708 is ok, but they are really decent once a bit of tweaking is done. Please see the link Hefei XiangSheng Electronic...
  2. Myloveamplifier

    Amp/Dac on the Cheap...

    Quote: Originally Posted by neks0ne Thanks for the replies.... I will look at the HeFei now.....and might just do that. Thanks Eric, The Travagan looks nice, however its only USB in for the DAC. I need Optical or Coax. It do have USB ,Optical and Coax for the DAC.