Recent content by Muzeishon
  1. M

    ThieAudio Legacy Series IEMs

    Sure 👍 Bought my L3. Watched a thread devolve because a lunatic YouTube cited an unlabeled graph by another YouTube. Both connected to Linsoul. 1 guy needs to be rehabilitated and take meds The other needs to remember those pics once on the internet are going to be used and in this case it...
  2. M

    ThieAudio Legacy Series IEMs

    Why would you post that without labeling it? It is being used in another thread as a sample of 6 or more units that do not match. You posting it and badguy refers to it is terrible really terrible and some fans of a rival brand are having a 😂. Maybe you can clarify that to them. That badguy is...
  3. M

    Aminus hates everything (Or, Aminus rants and reviews stuff)

    Not sure but another member just started an opinion thread and I asked mods to move here to if this is the site's prerogative. I get it but all the users opinions threads should be treated the same way
  4. M

    ThieAudio Legacy Series IEMs

    I haven't been able to get it (Atlas) to sound how reviews described it. I don't recall who I saw reviews this, but it said a poor man u12t which I also have and he's a good reviewer 😊 Japanese audio shops have just started carrying Chinese earphones or I did not notice them before. I do now
  5. M

    ThieAudio Legacy Series IEMs

    Listening to Tchaikovsky Romeo and Juliette is a joy on this earphones. I play Violin and these are great for a monitor. The switch seems to do almost nothing for me. Am going to sell my Moondrop. Are there any other earphones that have this signature but better fit?
  6. M

    ThieAudio Legacy Series IEMs

    I went down the cost ladder and enjoyed the etymotic then the moondrop blessing 2 and that turned out to be quite bright and I was worried the Legacy 3 was a bit too far down the price ladder so I am relieved and confused by the price of Chinese Audio. There are so many.
  7. M

    Campfire Audio - Introducing 2 new models Hello Andromeda and Nova

    Is there going to be a plan for another Atlas type,?
  8. M

    ThieAudio Legacy Series IEMs

    I just got these yesterday, enjoying them more than my CA Atlas. Going to have to re calibrate my expectations in this price range. I was not expecting the sound quality to be as good as it is.