Recent content by musik9
  1. musik9

    Fulla (by) Schiit - News, photos, thoughts, impressions, etc.

    looks like lighting to usb adapter is a must for this to work with IOS. Would a cheap one work of Ebay or need to get apple overpriced one?   Also, I'm getting computer current noise if i run power from pc at high volume, after reading a thread here i hacked up a powered usb Y cable from a...
  2. musik9

    Fulla (by) Schiit - News, photos, thoughts, impressions, etc.

    Got it last week, this is my first amp (dac/amp combo) ever, i connect it to my pc and laptops to drive Audiotechnica m50s.   I find i never ever have to go over 50-60% power with this thing, on laptops it wasnt uncommon to go full 100% and even use software amplifiers in some cases.   It is...