I have a medium sized vinyl library (+/- 1500 LPs) which is approximately 80% classical.
Remastering early era LPs, 78s
Headphone Inventory
HiFiMan HE-560
Grado RS1
Noble 5 IED
Headphone Amp Inventory
Schiit Bifrost
Schiit LYR using 1960 Harleem tubes
HiFiMan 901 portable player with balanced amp card
Source Inventory
Oracle Model 5 turntable with oil dampened suspension
Origin Silver tonearm, custom anti-skating
Lyra Argos cartridge
Roland Research Coherence 1 preamp
Cable Inventory
Homemade headphone cables using teflon core Litz wire
Power-Related Components
Furman voltage regulator/filter
Roland Research Model 5 power amp
Kenwood M1D power amp
Other Audio Equipment
Quad speakers
Audio-Related Tweaks
LP washing system using Triton, isopropanol, and DI water.
Music Preferences
Symphonies, Concertos, chamber music, jazz, American Roots music, early rock.
Professional Engineer