Recent content by musiclovr89
  1. musiclovr89

    Prodigy out with album?

    I am stunned that Faryl Smith..a new classical only 13! Her voice is amazing. Her version of "River of Light" is beautiful. I'm glad I got her album last week..because I'm addicted now! Incredible. Faryl: Faryl Smith: Music
  2. musiclovr89

    Snow Patrol Free Concert

    While I was at the gym my umgd friend and I were talking about new cds coming out so we came up with Snow Patrol and I hadn’t heard their new single so when I got home I had to check it out. It was really good on their - Snow Patrol - IE - Alternative -
  3. musiclovr89

    Albums you hated at first, but love now

    i guess ill have to go with Avril Lavigne last album
  4. musiclovr89

    What's the last song you had on repeat?

    evanescence my immortal