Audiophile, computer programmer making Windows apps
Software development, open source, web development
Headphone Inventory
Sennheiser 650
Sennheiser PX100 II
Headphone Amp Inventory
Had a Headroom amp and DAC but it broke. No headamp right now.
Source Inventory
iPod 5G 160GB collecting dust
iPhone 4
HTC Thunderbolt (sounds great with PX100-II)
Cable Inventory
Acoustic zen Satori
VH Audio Pulsar ICs x 2
VH Audio Flavor 1
VH Audio Flavor 4
Other Audio Equipment
My big rig:
NAD C370 w/upgraded caps
Von Schweikert VR-1 speakers
Acoustic Zen Satori speaker cables
Home built Core i3 PC with Asus Essence STX sound card
VH Audio cables - power, IC
Music Preferences
Rock, jazz, classical, folk, folk-rock, alternative
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