Recent content by MrCrassic
  1. MrCrassic

    Fake Klipsch Image S4?

    Hi, all!   I just received a set of counterfeit Klipsch s4 headphones from an eBay reseller a few minutes ago. At $34 with shipping included, I figured the price was too good to be true. (I paid close to $100 for the s4i's that broke not too long ago.)    These are a really good set of...
  2. MrCrassic

    Comfort issues with my Denon AH-C710 IEMs.

    I'm trying the tips that came with my Sennheiser CX400s. Pretty good so far!
  3. MrCrassic

    Comfort issues with my Denon AH-C710 IEMs.

    Hi, all!   Earlier this week, I bought a pair of Denon AH-C710 IEMs to replace my Denon AH-C452s. They are great headphones and look as good as they sound (the reviews are spot-on), but my left ear doesn't seem to like them much. If I use any of the silicone tips that come with it, my left...
  4. MrCrassic


    Quote: Originally Posted by Arjisme Why? Honestly, a friend of mine told me that statement a long time ago, and he was right. I think it's just those placebos kicking in However, I've been reading a little bit lately, and it seems that software EQs are not made equally, and...
  5. MrCrassic

    Wet ears Dry ears

    I don't know of the models that you've listed, but I use EX-51s with earplugs which go deeper into the canal, and I've never had this problem. Possibly could have been the material of the tip...?
  6. MrCrassic

    Is my music not worthy?

    Quote: Originally Posted by t3hggnore I remember reading some guy's comments in another forum, which ran along the lines of less noticeable improvement when upgrading if you're listening to electronica or something along those lines. I'm curious - if so, why is that so? I mainly listen...
  7. MrCrassic

    Potentially good idea for improving sound out of cheaper headphones

    Quote: Originally Posted by claus One of the problems created by non-ideal headphones is distortion, which actually adds frequencies to the signal that have not been there before. I am not aware of a possibility to alter the input signal in a way that these additional frequencies are...
  8. MrCrassic


    As far as audio equalization, I'm a huge fan of it. Some people argue that EQ is not needed for a solid set of headphones, but I disagree. When I'm adjusting my EQ, I go by "feel," since that's more important to me than paying attention to quantitative details. Since I pay a lot of attention to...
  9. MrCrassic


    Quote: Originally Posted by flordenuve In a recent thread I wanted to discuss what good sound really is, or rather, what a good headphone really is. People eventually ended up saying that "what's good is good", which is, when you think about it, a pretty good argument. So I was...