Recent content by monsterkenny
  1. M

    Radsone EarStudio ES100

    Thanks I'll give this a shot.
  2. M

    Radsone EarStudio ES100

    I think my es100 mk2 just kicked the bucket. I was listening to it while plugged in charging and it shut off by itself. Unplugged it and turned it on and nothing. Plugged it back in now its warm and smells like burnt electronics. Anyone encounter this issue?
  3. M

    Radsone EarStudio ES100

    Ok thank you. I can just Bluetooth from my pc. I'm guessing i just leave ambient mode on and it will work?Thanks for the reply.
  4. M

    Radsone EarStudio ES100

    Thanks for the quick response. I game on a laptop so I always remove my headsets before hoping off the couch. I was just curious on how to use it as a mic as the only feature I can find is ambient mode.
  5. M

    Radsone EarStudio ES100

    Hello everyone, enjoying the ES100 MK2. Good for on the go, but what about gaming? Can the mic be used in a pinch for chatting online while connected via USB on a pc? Thanks in advanced.