Recent content by MoneyCatapult
  1. MoneyCatapult

    Music Game IX

    "So Cold" - Breaking Benjamin
  2. MoneyCatapult

    Minneapolis Meet?

    I could do any weekend in September other than this weekend, so 9/19 or 9/20 works for me. October I'll be pretty busy unfortunately.
  3. MoneyCatapult

    Minneapolis Meet?

      I have plans for the long weekend, but I'm free other weekends in September.
  4. MoneyCatapult

    Music Game IX

    "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" - The Beatles
  5. MoneyCatapult

    Music Game IX

    "As the Footsteps Die Out Forever" - Catch 22
  6. MoneyCatapult

    Minneapolis Meet?

    Hello, fellow Minnesotans! I'm new to the high-quality headphone realm and have never been to a meet before. Unfortunately, I don't have much gear to offer yet, but hopefully my interest will add momentum to setting up a meet.
  7. MoneyCatapult

    Music Game IX

    "Old School Hollywood" - System of a Down
  8. MoneyCatapult

    Music Game IX

    "Some Nights" - fun.
  9. MoneyCatapult

    Intro and recommended upgrades?

    This is my issue! There are so many great options out there I can't decide. I really need to attend a meet haha.
  10. MoneyCatapult

    Intro and recommended upgrades?

    I'm guessing it's in reference to when MD had the Gustard up for sale. I just read through some of the comments from it, and it sounds like there were issues with incorrect shipments and damaged parts. Which is a shame if the product can be great. Perhaps buying it from another vendor would...
  11. MoneyCatapult

    Intro and recommended upgrades?

      The Gustard does seem to be getting some strong endorsements around here. However being that it's relatively new, I've been waiting to see if any negative reviews arise.   How do you like your Pan Am with your HE-500? Have you used a solid state amp with them, and if so, how do the tubes...
  12. MoneyCatapult

    Intro and recommended upgrades?

    Thank you! Good to know a site like this exists.
  13. MoneyCatapult

    Intro and recommended upgrades?

      Agreed, the ANC is extremely nice on airplanes and when I studied in the library. However, the sound quality is not a good value for the price, and ANC is not necessary for what I'm looking for now. However, I bought them back in the day before I knew better, and I'm easily influenced by...
  14. MoneyCatapult

    Intro and recommended upgrades?

    Hello!   For an introduction, I'm very new to the high-end audio scene, but I do appreciate music a lot. I've picked up more interest in audio in the past year since I graduated and now have stable income. I have been lurking around Head-Fi for a little while now, but I've decided to finally...