Mister Crash's latest activity
  • Mister Crash
    Mister Crash posted feedback on the classifieds listing stax sr-007 sn 71xxx mk1.
    Stax 007 Mk I headphones shipped quickly and matched description. Thank you!
  • Mister Crash
    Mister Crash reacted to goldwerger's post in the thread Audio Technica ATH-L5000 with Like Like.
    Impact Cable is a one-man shop. My experience with Lindsay, who has been easy to deal with (though been a year), is that when he's out...
  • Mister Crash
    Mister Crash reacted to goldwerger's post in the thread Audio Technica ATH-L5000 with Like Like.
    UPDATE - and important PSA! I've solved completely the issue of fit! I have found a solution that is easy, fast, and improves overall...
  • Mister Crash
    Mister Crash replied to the thread Audio Technica ATH-L5000.
    Where did you get your after-market A2DC cables? It looks like the Impact Cable site isn't taking orders right now. Given how...
  • Mister Crash
    Mister Crash replied to the thread Audio Technica ATH-L5000.
    The video is on page 12, posted on January 2, 2022 by Halimj7. It looks like it's a YouTube video from Kuboten on how to change AT pads...
  • Mister Crash
    Mister Crash posted feedback on the classifieds listing Stax 009 & KGSSHV bundle.
    Purchased Stax 009 headphones and Mjolnir KGSS HV amp from Jingle. Both items were as described and they were shipped quickly. Thank you!
  • Mister Crash
    Mister Crash posted a comment on classifieds listing Mjolnir Audio - KGSS HV Carbon.
    From the last two pictures on the Reddit post, it looks like the back frame is bent on the right hand side. Still seems like a good deal...