Recent content by miskatcitnamor
  1. miskatcitnamor

    Deskamp power supply schematic.

    It's strange, I just rebuilt the circuit, (not sure what I had wrong before but this is always a good way to get a feel for the circuit) and this time the DC offset starts in a reasonable position (about 11mV for the right channel and -12mV for the left.)  However the voltage steadily INCREASES...
  2. miskatcitnamor

    Deskamp power supply schematic.

    So I plugged in the 2k resistors and used two 2ohm resistors in series to get 4ohm. Now on the left channel i'm seeing 150mV DC offset and on the right I see a whopping 3.5V. Obviously something wrong there. I plan to investigate more tonight.
  3. miskatcitnamor

    Deskamp power supply schematic.

    +-6V is even less than the +-9 I had it at and quite a bit less than the +-15 I was looking to use.  (If I remember correctly the LME49860 operates optimally at around this voltage.)  Should I set up some kind of voltage drop between V-/V+ and the transistor V-/V+?  Perhaps I'll need a different...
  4. miskatcitnamor

    Deskamp power supply schematic.

    I guess I should have asked this before, but the resistors in that circuit are 1/4W right?  Just making sure.  Still troubleshooting this circuit when I'm not at work.   EDIT: Some success, today, of a sort.  Educationally speaking, anyway.  I know why those 20ohm resistors are prone to...
  5. miskatcitnamor

    Can a 9V wall wart power supply produce +/-9V?

    Someone will correct me if I am wrong but no increase in capacitance will result in an increased voltage.  
  6. miskatcitnamor

    Deskamp power supply schematic.

    Yes, I had the 20ohm resistor in series with the 1kohm resistor, with the start of the series as V- (as well as the collector of that 2N3904), the midpoint of the series at the base of the 2N3904, and the end of the series at the emitter of the inner 2N3906. EDIT: +-9V smoked that 20ohm...
  7. miskatcitnamor

    Deskamp power supply schematic.

    Well, the power supply is set to +-15V right now as that is where I would like to run the op-amp.  I'll crank down the voltage to +-9v and see what comes of it.  
  8. miskatcitnamor

    Deskamp power supply schematic.

    Well, it's been a little while.  Power supply is still chugging along like a champ and I've finally gotten all the proper parts to make that two stage amplifier you showed me, Avro.   Unfortunately, like before, I'm getting some burning going on.  Oddly only in one channel.  White smoke...
  9. miskatcitnamor

    Non-audiophile reactions to high-end headphones

    I know Crysis2 seems less intensive right now than Crysis1, but I'm guessing that that is because Crytek has yet to implement DX11.  They are planning to release that as a patch later.  I'm HOPING for some great things from that.  At any rate, I know I went overkill with my computer (the 4.4ghz...
  10. miskatcitnamor

    Non-audiophile reactions to high-end headphones

    I'm with you there, I prefer full-size cans, always have, but in-ear has its place.  As for a portable rig for her... that shouldn't be too bad, I need more practice soldering anyway.  
  11. miskatcitnamor

    Non-audiophile reactions to high-end headphones

    LOL I expect her to come to me pretty soon saying they broke.  To be fair she uses them a LOT at work.  I know those SCs don't have a huge production value so I don't give them long.  I just need to find a good pair of IEMs for her to use that aren't going for a fortune.  
  12. miskatcitnamor

    Non-audiophile reactions to high-end headphones

    I've got my machine running at 4.4ghz on a i7-950.  24/7 stable, tested with multiple burn tests left running for 24 hours each.  GRANTED, as we get closer to summer, I'll have to monitor that, but at 4.4ghz I had maxed around 71C on the hottest core, so hopefully since we'll be running AC I...
  13. miskatcitnamor

    The Opamp thread

    Well, Digikey is selling the Muses01 for $75, so yeah... $80 isn't an unreasonable extension after shipping and tax and the odd cap.  The Muses8820 is only being sold in lots of 100 for 4.20 each.  
  14. miskatcitnamor

    AUSTIN Meet - April 16, 2011 (3-6PM at Whetstone Audio)

    As Morbid said, I hope you all have a righteously good time.  :)  I figure since I can't make this one, and I REALLY want to attend one at some point, I'll probably set out to organize one in about a year or so.  I even already have a venue.  :)  So I hope this one will be awesome so there will...
  15. miskatcitnamor

    AUSTIN Meet - April 16, 2011 (3-6PM at Whetstone Audio)

    Oooo.... Don't tell me that.  I already have previous obligations as it is.  Ah well, not much can be done about it.  