Recent content by millencolin16v
  1. millencolin16v

    Montreal retailer suggestion?

    There is a headphone store on the corner of Stanley and St Catharines. I am not sure what the store is called but its right there across the street from chapters. They sell shures but the thing is its pretty expensive i would just look for them used on this site.
  2. millencolin16v

    headphone sightings?

    Hey Somex1 i saw a guy at mcgill university (Stewart BIology building to be exact) that had 325i's they were covered in white paint. looked pretty cool
  3. millencolin16v

    Fedex lost my Etys!!

    I sent in my etmotics for repair for the same reason u did intermittent problems in the right side. I mailed them via canada post and I made sure that i insured them, 330 canadian. For two weeks it said the same thing that the post office had recieved the package. Give it some time mine got...