Recent content by Mike W.
  1. Mike W.

    Pictures of Your Portable Rig [Part XIII]

    Repost I think I'm going to mod my KSC75s
  2. Mike W.

    Headphone Sightings 2

    I saw someone on the bus wearing closed Sennheisers. I think they were HD 202s.
  3. Mike W.

    Any anime series that you've been enjoying?

    So far I say it is OK. It's not very good, but at the same time it's not bad. A lot people complain because it doesn't follow the manga exactly. I don't care since I never read the manga.
  4. Mike W.

    Any anime series that you've been enjoying?

    Naruto Shippuuden Bleach Gundam 00 Season 2 Linebarrels of Iron I'll start watching Casshern Sins and Tales of the Abyss after I free up some hard drive space.
  5. Mike W.

    Pictures of Your Portable Rig [Part XII]

    I like them a lot. They are good for their price. I got them for $40 on Amazon. I recommend them and the KSC75 as great inexpensive phones. They both sound much better than stock earphones.
  6. Mike W.

    Pictures of Your Portable Rig [Part XII]

    The Panasonic RP-HTX7 and Koss KSC75 are new. I got them because I got tired of having to keep cleaning my ears/Denons.
  7. Mike W.

    Lightweight linux distro for picture frame

    Arch Linux is very lightweight but the only problem is it isn't very noob friendly.
  8. Mike W.

    Pictures of Your Portable Rig [Part XII]

    Cowon iAudio 7 and Denon C551 with Shure Olives The Olives just arrived today. I can't wait to try them out.
  9. Mike W.

    canal headphones: c351 vs. titans

    I got my pair of C551s a week ago and would recommend them. Get them on Amazon.
  10. Mike W.

    Pictures of Your Portable Rig [Part IX]

    I got the I7 (my first DAP) a week ago. I got the SF3s (my first pair of good phones) about two weeks ago.
  11. Mike W.


    Try Radio Shack. That's where I bought my SF3s.
  12. Mike W.

    Just something to laugh about!

    If I had the money, I would buy them.
  13. Mike W.

    happy new year

    Happy New Year
  14. Mike W.

    v-moda and skullcandy feedback

    I'm glad I saw this thread. I ordered a pair of Bass Freqs a couple days ago. I sent a message to the seller to cancel the order. I hope I made it in time. After I get confirmation that the order was canceled I'm going to order a pair of SF3s.