Listening to music, reading, watching movies (at the theatre!), and playing board games.
Beautifully-bound books, Lego car models, role-playing books as literature/works of art, and board games.
Headphone Inventory
Beyerdynamic DT1350, LCD-X
Headphone Amp Inventory
SPL Phonitor.
Source Inventory
Violectric DAC V800
Cable Inventory
Misc. interconnects and adaptors, primarily various Cardas, Kimber, and DiMarzio cables.
Music Preferences
Omnivorous and restless. Loves: drone, spooky ambient, hipster/black/sludge/doom/drone/death/stoner/jazzy metal, psychedelia, punk, post-punk (the gothier the better!), jazz, jazzy/abstract/gothic/alternative/experimental hippity hops, atmospheric electronica, prog and avant-whatever, R&B, reggae, guitar-playing Japanese girls, earnest Icelandic crooners and composers, dark folk and country, pot-bellied and balding middle aged men with ugly faces and voices but beautiful minds, post-whatever, shoe-gazers and feed-backers, girls with unusual voices, and just about everything else that is sufficiently noisy. (Including noise!) Oh yeah, and the classics. And whiny 90's kids.
Library systems and archives.


Favorite Albums:
10.Shirley & Dolly Collins: Anthems in Eden 9. Charles Mingus: The Black Saint and the Sinner Lady 8. Sunn O))): Monoliths and Dimensions 7. My Bloody Valentine: Loveless 6. Godspeed You! Black Emperor: Lift Yr. Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven 5. Current 93: The Inmost Light 4. King Crimson: In the Court of the Crimson King 3. Robbie Basho: Visions of the Country 2. Comus: First Utterance 1. Kate Bush: Hounds of Love

