Recent content by meltan
  1. meltan

    Velour on A700x & A900x

    So did the velour ear pads for the a700x. Was thinking of buying the ad700 velour one for my a700x but not sure if it fits.
  2. meltan

    The Centrance HiFi M8 thread

    Thanks I will try to reboot the iPhone and see if the problem persist. Also let the m8 burn in more to see if the volume settles down
  3. meltan

    The Centrance HiFi M8 thread

    I have used the m8 with my beyerdynamic T1 balanced for a few weeks and its fantastic. Just a couple of questions. When I run it off my iPhone 4S vs USB from my windows PC using foobar2000, I realized that the volume via the USB DAC is much lower and I have to turn it up quite a bit. My second...
  4. meltan

    Singapore Meet - 7 September 2013.

    Just registered bringing t1 beyerdynamic balanced and centerance m8 will be there in the earlier part of the afternoon. Look forward to meeting up.
  5. meltan

    The Centrance HiFi M8 thread

    I tried the m8 with beryerdynamic T1 at the recent nook festival in singapore. It was fantastic. Anyone tried m8 with a HD800?
  6. meltan

    WOO-HOOOO... WA7 "fireflies"!!!

    Any idea if the wa7 dac will work with an ipad?
  7. meltan

    List of DACs that work with iPad

    Any idea if the new WA7 woo audio dac will work with the ipad mini?
  8. meltan

    WOO-HOOOO... WA7 "fireflies"!!!

    Any idea if wa7 is a good match for HD800? I listen mainly to jazz, vocals and some classical