Recent content by Maverick0984
  1. Maverick0984

    How are these?

    What about the ATH-A900 ? Better than the A700 but not as expensive as the DT 770's ?
  2. Maverick0984

    How are these?

    They are also over twice as much, and I'm not interested in "catching a deal" on used ones from ebay.
  3. Maverick0984

    ATH-A700 vs ATH-AD700

    I have similar questions. Subscribed.
  4. Maverick0984

    How are these?

    Well, I want them to sound good/great now, right outta the box. I don't want to be disappointed and feel the need to get an amp to get the results I want. So does this mean the ATH-PRO700 are better/worse than the others? I mena, straight off of newegg they are all pretty much the same price...
  5. Maverick0984

    How are these?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Chingyul Closed vs. Open Well yea, thanks, but this had been figured out already :-/. Trying to decide if there is a completely different headphone out there that would suit me better.
  6. Maverick0984

    How are these?

    Ah okay, I think I was wanting the closed simply because I thought they would sound better with less noise pollution and whatnot. Now you are saying that might be the opposite, hmm. The impedence is twice as much though, dang. I really wasn't wanting to get an amp of some kind, seeing as how...
  7. Maverick0984

    How are these?

    I think I meant these? - audio-technica ATH-AD700 3.5mm/ 6.3mm Connector Circumaural Open-air Dynamic Headphones - audio-technica ATH-A700 3.5mm/ 6.3mm Connector Circumaural Closed-back Dynamic Headphones What are the differences between these two? Just the range...
  8. Maverick0984

    How are these?

    I'm more or less baffled by the extensive selection of headphones. How would these fair? - Acoustic Research ATH-PRO700 SV 3.5mm/ 6.3mm Connector Circumaural Professional Monitor Headphones They'd be used for music and gaming mostly. It'd be nice if they were good for movie...
  9. Maverick0984

    Sound Card Suggestions for Optical Out (TosLink)

    Quote: Originally Posted by ecclesand Look into the Chaintech AV-710. It is cheap...has optical out...and is capable of bit-perfect output. That won't have EAX 5.0 though, that's really what concerns me, if most digital outs are going to be the same.
  10. Maverick0984

    Sound Card Suggestions for Optical Out (TosLink)

    Quote: Originally Posted by Spiricore I, for one, can absolutely not recommend any Sound Blaster card when it comes to connecting an Xbox 360 via optical. They are plagued with popping, clipping, crackling and latency issues that haven't been addressed by Creative since...I don't know...
  11. Maverick0984

    Silencing a WD "My Book" drive

    The updated Firmware for the MyBook lowered the temp where the fan kicked on. If you do this plus flip the fan around (which I think cools better anyway) it hardly ever comes on, short of start up (which is again hardly ever). I haven't heard it in weeks and it sits in my bedroom.
  12. Maverick0984

    Sound Card Suggestions for Optical Out (TosLink)

    Well, I heard about this place from OCforums and figured it was a good place to ask this type of question. I'm basically a noob in terms of this sound card phenom. However, I do love my sound in the home theater field. I have an Onkyo receiver with an HDTV, xbox1, and xbox 360 hooked up...