Recent content by mau5fan
  1. mau5fan

    Songs that make your headphone WOOOOOW!!!

    My personal favorite is Yanni's Live at the Acropolis 1994 featuring the royal philharmonic concert orchestra. Absolutley incredible what he does on stage. The song Santorini is particularly epic.
  2. mau5fan

    SRH 840 v. HFI 780 v. DT 770 (Un-amped)

    Sorry,but whats an LOD? Also,Im leaning a lotmore towards the Shure's now anyway. I think Ill get the 840's first and see how they sound, then if everything seems ok then ill go for the dac & amp. As it turns out, all songs that cost 1.29 on itunes have 256 kbps, (because my computer crashed...
  3. mau5fan

    SRH 840 v. HFI 780 v. DT 770 (Un-amped)

    So, if I was to get an amp (like the Maverick D1), and either the Shures or the Ultrasones, would the amp verifibly reveal that my music is a low bit rate (mp3) and make it sound like garbage?
  4. mau5fan

    SRH 840 v. HFI 780 v. DT 770 (Un-amped)

    The Ultrasone 780 has 35 ohm's as compared to the Shure 840's 44 ohm's. How much of a difference will this difference make when being driven by my laptop. If assuming that the lowest impeadance would equal the best sound, I would be led to assume that the 780's are the right choice. How much...
  5. mau5fan

    SRH 840 v. HFI 780 v. DT 770 (Un-amped)

    Quote: What is that?
  6. mau5fan

    SRH 840 v. HFI 780 v. DT 770 (Un-amped)

    I still want to go with headphones ( sorry, there's just something inexplicably cool about them). However i have realized one thing. All my music are mp3's downloaded off of itunes,reripping them to a better format wont improve the quality. So i dont want to get good headphones and a dac amp and...
  7. mau5fan

    SRH 840 v. HFI 780 v. DT 770 (Un-amped)

    If i was to get the Pro 900's, then would i need a dac amp that is more powerful than the maverick D1?
  8. mau5fan

    SRH 840 v. HFI 780 v. DT 770 (Un-amped)

    Alright guys, Im fresh meat to these forums. However, i do have a list of requirements which these three headphones meet: They must be closed (im in a dorm room), they must be good with house and dance music (good bass), and they dont have to be portable (i have earbuds for that). In a previous...
  9. mau5fan

    Are these headphones fake? Sony MDR-7506

    Quote:  From what Ive read, one easy way to tell is if the cord on the phones is glossy, then they are fake. The cable cord should be a matte black.
  10. mau5fan

    Closed headphones for around 300 and an amp for around 200

    well, after reading this i think ill stick with the srh 840's : Shure SRH 840 versus the Ultrasone HFI 780: My Journey. Im not sure how to make a link so just copy & paste into the search bar if you want to read the review. That guy was routing his phones through a maverick tubemagic D1 and...
  11. mau5fan

    Closed headphones for around 300 and an amp for around 200

    Ok.So Shure 840's and the Maverick Audio TubeMagic D1. A good starting setup everyone? Again, thank you all very much for the help.
  12. mau5fan

    Closed headphones for around 300 and an amp for around 200

    Ok. just did a bit more looking around and started reading up on some DT-770's. Should I go for the Pro's or stick w/ the regulars? How do they compare to the SRH 840 and the HFI 780's? Is the dac & amp combo i suggested good for the price (and a good match for the phones) or is there better?
  13. mau5fan

    Closed headphones for around 300 and an amp for around 200

    Shena, thanks for the link, that just what i was looking for in terms of deciding what to go with. So,I'm guessing ill definitely get the SHR 840's. My source of music will be my laptop (im not using a soundcard, so im assuming it would be onbaord, or do some, or all laptops come w/ internal...
  14. mau5fan

    Closed headphones for around 300 and an amp for around 200

    First off, as an edit to my OP, i clearly know nothing. Second, how do the ultrasone HFI-780's compare to the Shure's? Again, thanks for the help.
  15. mau5fan

    Closed headphones for around 300 and an amp for around 200

    Hello world. Im brand new to the headphone scene, but have done a bit of reading before starting this post. I have decided i want some headphones, but have literally no prior experience with them. I do know what i need however. I listen to primarily house, progressive house, dance, and trance...