Recent content by Matt7Seven
  1. M

    Mark Levinson № 5909 headphone

    Understanding that LDAC isn't lossless, my query regarded the following in XTF1's case... 1) If the person (as I was addressing) is resorting to using a cable (as they reported), then they're probably not 10ft away. So now we're exploring close proximity solutions that don't drain the poor guys...
  2. M

    Mark Levinson № 5909 headphone

    If I understand correctly, with some considerations the Hiby R2 can output LDAC? Have you tried this with the 5909? I ask because I use a FiiO BTA30 to stream LDAC from my mac, so I can work in the kitchen without wires but still get great sound. LDAC is actually really good imo, and if I had...
  3. M

    Mark Levinson № 5909 headphone

    Just picked up the 5909's yesterday. For reference, I've been using Beyer DT-1990's. Before that it was the T70's. I like clarity over bass, obviously, and haven't been willing to spend a lot until now. I'd been using my wife's Bose QC35's when I prep lunches, etc, in the morning because wife is...