UNDER CONSTRUCTION!! Come visit again soon -- thanks!! :)
May 22, 1981 (Age: 43)
Bronx, NY (NYC)
Headphone Inventory
Hang tight, gotta make a more current list!
Headphone Amp Inventory
Hang tight, gotta make a more current list!
Source Inventory
Hang tight, gotta make a more current list!
Cable Inventory
Hang tight, gotta make a more current list!
Power-Related Components
Hang tight, gotta make a more current list!
Other Audio Equipment
Hang tight, gotta make a more current list!
Music Preferences
I have very eclectic music tastes because I grew up being exposed to a wide array of genres. I don’t really have a favorite genre — for me, it’s more about meaningful and creative lyrics, the feeling of the music, instrument choices, a beat or lack thereof, etc. Some of my most listened to genres (in no particular order) include pop-rock, classic rock, alt-rock, indie rock, punk rock, hip-hop, rap, pop, classical, oldies, jazz, metal, and children’s music. I primarily listen to music in English, but I also enjoy current and classic Israeli music (I’m a fluent Hebrew speaker), Yiddish (I understand much more than I can speak), French (I took 2 years of lessons in high school), Spanish (I’m a native NYer and enjoy hearing Spanish language songs), and other tunes from around the globe. As of late, I’ve also taken an interest in music that my relatively new service dog finds appealing — it seems he most enjoys classical, music made especially for dogs with instruments and frequencies that they respond to favorably for relaxation and play (yes, dog music is really a thing — no joke!), and anything with a great beat!
I’ll fill this in soon . . . I will update this list to reflect more recent faves.
Higher Education Mentor/Tutor

