Recent content by marmot
  1. marmot

    Good car stereo system for <$3,000?

    Great ideas from other posters before me. This is what I had in my SHO until I sold it. head unit: Eclipse speakers front- rainbow components front amp- arc sub- Diamond Audio Mac Daddy sub amp- ppi total cost around $1750 plus about $100 for sound deading. It sound dam good...
  2. marmot

    Israel Head-Fiers, are you there?

    I hope neither counts I am not in country now put plan on returing soon.
  3. marmot

    Who Vs. Led Zeppelin

    Based on my naïve and limited experience I like Led Zeppelin better. I have only heard Led Zeppelin 1 while I have heard The Who Who’s next and live at Leeds. From that small sample I concur both bands are awesome in their own right and like each one immensely. I guess Zep just does it for me more.
  4. marmot

    On to classical and Jazz

    Thanks so much matt. I just picked up John Coultrane Blue Trane and Miles Davis Kinda Blue. I am going to dig into those to night. I hope to chase down many of your suggestions.
  5. marmot

    The Strokes- Room on fire

    Just got the Album last night. Have listened to it several times. I really enjoyed their first release. I would describe this attempt as more of the same but in a good way. If you are not paying attention to it can drone on and sound mundane. A lot like the first record, but there is enough...
  6. marmot

    Help a naïve 19 year old on his quest for good music (Needs Help)

    This is never dead Thanks for the suggestions. I pretty much have some work from every one you mentioned besides a couple. I almost picked up Badly Drawn Boy but I did not know what to get. While overseas I got a video of his on MTV Europe that I like. Any help there? Again...
  7. marmot

    On to classical and Jazz

    A few weeks a go I request some help to pick out some music. The post primarily focused on rock and off shots of that genre. And thank you all for all your suggestions, many of the CD’s I already and the ones I did not I have been tracking down. Now I am curious about finding some good...
  8. marmot

    Who had/has more fun,Today's kids or kids from the 60's, 70's

    I was born in 1983 and I am part of the generation that grew out of all the memories you guys are talking about. When I was young I played out doors all the time, had a tree fort, played local pickup football games and baseball games, played imaginary war with the neighborhood, using pine cones...
  9. marmot

    Help me find this Neil Young song.. (vague)

    also try Mirrow Ball an other alubm with lot of guitars. His back up band was pearl Jam.
  10. marmot

    Help me find this Neil Young song.. (vague)

    I do not know the name of the song bit try his album ragged glory for it. Every song is filled with long electric guitar solos.
  11. marmot

    SR-80 build quality

    SR 80 Build Quality Speaking of SR 80 build quality you remind me I need to send mine off to get fixed. They have no sound in the left ear. Really though the quality is all right if you treat them right, mine are 4 or 5 years old and have been tossed around a bit, I got them when I was 13 or...
  12. marmot

    px100 vs. px200 - a few impressions

    I just got of pair px 200’s to give my ears a break when I am tired of sticking my Ety’s in my ears. I have not burned them in yet but they still sound nice. By the way how do you burn them in? But I still like my Grado SR 80’s better but they do sound nice. it is nice to have a collapsible...
  13. marmot

    Smashing Pumpkins Help

    I borrowed their double disc album from the Library and loved it. I was wonder besides that album what other smashing pumpkin albums should I get? I can’t afford to get them all so if you could recommend there best two or three I would really appreciate it. thanks
  14. marmot

    Help a naïve 19 year old on his quest for good music (Needs Help)

    Thanks Redshifter, I have the some of what you mention allready Radiohead, the bends, Kid A, OK Computer and Heil to the Theif The Who, Who's Next Just got a copy of Led Zep 1 head heard the Beattles and Beach Boy Albums alot growing up from my old man Never heard of Stereolab...
  15. marmot

    Help a naïve 19 year old on his quest for good music (Needs Help)

    Hey guys thanks again for all the Suggestions. It will take me seemingly forever to check them out. I did however was able to chase down a few. I bought the Sigur Ros cd and really enjoy it. I also bought a Massive Attack CD and enjoy it as well. I also checked out John Coultrane, while...