Recent content by madzic
  1. M

    FiiO M15S Pocket Desktop-Level Player Discussion & Impressions Thread

    With the DAP plugged to this adapter (long cable), one cable to the juice, and another cable to a computer, you can activate usb dac and the dap in desktop mode ? I have my doubts because all thise adapaters have usb-c audio output, not data bidrectionnal. Then plugged to a computer, the...
  2. M

    FiiO M15S Pocket Desktop-Level Player Discussion & Impressions Thread

    Forget this use case. I tried many cables, hubs, dongles... nothing works (thanks amazon for return policy) ,you have to choose to have usb dac mode only or desktop mode only. The only use case with both mode working at the same time was with my intel laptop with true thunderbolt usb-c ports...
  3. M

    FiiO M15S Pocket Desktop-Level Player Discussion & Impressions Thread

    Nice, did not thing the DAP could handle LDAC as a receiver. Will try it with my Samsung tablet too.
  4. M

    FiiO M15S Pocket Desktop-Level Player Discussion & Impressions Thread

    What's your use case using the DAP as a bluetooth receiver ?
  5. M

    FiiO M15S Pocket Desktop-Level Player Discussion & Impressions Thread

    Desktop mode means you can plug the DAP to the wall via a usb charger and the battery will not be used. For your second point, you can use the DAP as a DAC for your desktop and you can choose the gain level in the options, if you use a sound software with asio drivers or exclusive mode, you are...
  6. M

    FiiO M15S Pocket Desktop-Level Player Discussion & Impressions Thread

    I was refering to this workaround, working well on an intel laptop with thunderbolt 3 port. Are you sure it is working besides having the icon DC Mode on with or without DAC Mode ? With my macbook air m2, it is not working. While I can activate DC Mode alone or DC Mode with DAC Mode with the...
  7. M

    FiiO M15S Pocket Desktop-Level Player Discussion & Impressions Thread

    @karloil Is DC Mode working with the power bank ?
  8. M

    FiiO M15S Pocket Desktop-Level Player Discussion & Impressions Thread

    I tested with several usb splitters, usb hubs with or without external power, nothing works to get DC Mode with USB DAC Mode while connecting to my Desktop computer. (Thanks Amazon for their return policy). @FiiO I did some digging with this USB power stuff and DC MODE with computers and...
  9. M

    FiiO M15S Pocket Desktop-Level Player Discussion & Impressions Thread

    I did some testing with the youtube app and the only time I have a delay between sound and audio is while using LDAC codec with my bluetooth headphone (Shure Aonic 50). There is no delay with youtube on a web browser (chrome or brave) and LDAC. Other bluetooth codecs are working fine with the...
  10. M

    FiiO M15S Pocket Desktop-Level Player Discussion & Impressions Thread

    Just to be sure, is the battery charging stuck only if you charge with the device powered off or also when it is charging in android mode ?
  11. M

    FiiO M15S Pocket Desktop-Level Player Discussion & Impressions Thread

    I do experience the same behavior if I activate all to DSD mode. I use mostly local files with Musicolet or Fiio Music app. I have the impression that more your sample rate is high in your original file, less you hear the crackling sound. I hear close to nothing with native DSD files but it is...
  12. M

    FiiO M15S Pocket Desktop-Level Player Discussion & Impressions Thread

    @Dixter Awesome that you found a solution. Would you mind telling me which cable did you buy ?
  13. M

    FiiO M15S Pocket Desktop-Level Player Discussion & Impressions Thread

    Thanks for looking into this case. Just to be clear, DC mode with USB DAC is working only if I activate it via global setting after starting USB DAC mode. So for now, this workaround will be enough. I look forward if you can improve the behaviour of DC mode in a firmware update. Is it because I...
  14. M

    FiiO M15S Pocket Desktop-Level Player Discussion & Impressions Thread

    Hello @FiiO I was thinking more of a system wide option like in Settings/Global, so when we plug the player to a fast charger DC mode is automatically on, without having to validate the Pop Up Screen each time. Maybe the behavior I am looking for is already there if I disable the Pop Up Screen...
  15. M

    FiiO M15S Pocket Desktop-Level Player Discussion & Impressions Thread

    @FiiO Hello ! I use most of the time the player in Desktop mode since I got it, plugged to a Windows 11 laptop. I also use USB DAC mode with MusicBee/Foobar and ASIO drivers. I think I found a few bugs with DC mode : Case 1: Player plugged into the laptop => Quick charger Pop Up Screen => DC...