Recent content by Linda513
  1. Linda513

    Dead swan with bird flu one mile away from me.....

    Quote: Originally Posted by Earwax Maybe us old folks do have some immunity? Or maybe older people just don't have as much contact with wild birds or poultry? OLD? Thanks!
  2. Linda513

    Dead swan with bird flu one mile away from me.....

    Wasn't the Hong Kong flu of 1968 also bird flu? Is this a different bird flu? If I survived that one, maybe I have immunity.
  3. Linda513

    My Baking Hobby...need help on cookies

    Putting margarine on the pan could cause the excess browning on the bottom. Cookies usually don't need a greased sheet to cook on because they have plenty of fat in them to begin with. Let us know how your experimenting works out.
  4. Linda513

    Important Question, Looking for an Answer

    Quote: Originally Posted by ojnihs I just pull them off, doesn't seem to leave any damage to the tags or anything and they break quite easily. I'm not worrying about damaging the tags, more like leaving holes in my clothing.
  5. Linda513

    Important Question, Looking for an Answer

    Now we know how to get them in, but how the hell do you get them out? I know cutting them works, but I never seem to have a scissor when I need one.
  6. Linda513

    A little breast beating from a proud pappa

    Good job for you and your son, he sounds like a great kid. You're cool for bragging about your son's academic achievements. It seems where I live its ok to brag about your child's athletic performance, but no one wants to hear about a child's academic prowess.
  7. Linda513

    My Baking Hobby...need help on cookies

    Instead of lining your sheets with foil use parchment paper. Foil will redirect the heat back up to the bottom of your cookies. Are you using butter, margarine or shortening?
  8. Linda513

    What is the Modern Face of Horror?

    I don't know how modern you consider modern, but ever since I first saw this photo when I was very young I've been horrified by it.
  9. Linda513

    Searching for the IEM that is...

    Can't you try different ear pieces for the er-6i's? I think you can call the company and they will send you ones to try out. If you like the sound its worth a try.
  10. Linda513

    Searching for the IEM that is...

    Can't you try different ear pieces for the er-6i's? I think you can call the company and they will send you ones to try out. If you like the sound its worth a try.
  11. Linda513

    Searching for the IEM that is...

    Can't you try different ear pieces for the er-6i's? I think you can call the company and they will send you ones to try out. If you like the sound its worth a try.
  12. Linda513

    Forum speak... the new alt-English??

    Quote: Originally Posted by wakeride74 What does that one mean? I agree about the acronyms... they make typing easier and serve a purpose but the others are just kind of worthless. Either way it's a slang more than a language but is still taking a form of it's own it seems... IMO...
  13. Linda513

    Someone picked the Final Four correctly

    No offense taken, I pick them by color, locale, and mascot. And I do just as well as someone who knows what they are doing. Well, not always.
  14. Linda513

    Forum speak... the new alt-English??

    The current one I hate is mwa, my daughter and her friends use it all the time.
  15. Linda513

    Pictures of your portable rig- Part V: Viva La Audio Revolution

    Hopefully another pair of headphones will be in the photo soon.