Recent content by lalit099
  1. lalit099

    Bluesound Node - New 2021 model!!

    Ok, i will give it a try then.
  2. lalit099

    Bluesound Node - New 2021 model!!

    Generally volume control is after dac in most of the chain but in my chain it will be before dac directly to power amp.
  3. lalit099

    Bluesound Node - New 2021 model!!

    Hi actually my bad i did not asked the right question. What i meant is if i control volume through node will it work for schiit bifrost or bifrost will keep pushing full 2v to my power amp?
  4. lalit099

    Bluesound Node - New 2021 model!!

    Hi, i am currently using node n130 directly to power amp and controlling volume via node. I am thinking to upgrade dac and put bifrost 2/64 in chain between node and power amp, So i was wondering if i still control volume via node would it be fine? So would node volume control work fine? Thanks
  5. lalit099

    iFi audio ZEN Stream - Streaming elevated to a higher plane

    I will not comment on bit perfect but yes with mixer off spotify sound better.
  6. lalit099

    iFi audio ZEN Stream - Streaming elevated to a higher plane

    1st sound quality with software mixer is not huge jump over my chromecast audio connected with lan. 2nd i would happily roll back to original but then with 2.29.2 tidal start freezing over 100mps lan connection. 3rd i buyed it for chromecast update which is not even sure now. And i am reading...
  7. lalit099

    iFi audio ZEN Stream - Streaming elevated to a higher plane

    This bug is not acceptable. Audio quality with mixer off is way better, so if ifi is not good with software and not good with audio quality what good it is for.
  8. lalit099

    iFi audio ZEN Stream - Streaming elevated to a higher plane

    2.30.3 spotify still work only with software mixer on usb.
  9. lalit099

    iFi audio ZEN Stream - Streaming elevated to a higher plane

    Please Ifi just like you fooled and removed chromecast after launch please do remove spotify tidal and other apps you are displaying on your website and limit it to roon end point. tiered of factory resetting and other bugs. From a frustrated and irritated customer. @iFi audio
  10. lalit099

    iFi audio ZEN Stream - Streaming elevated to a higher plane

    frustrated with zen stream only spotify and tidal useful for me and even in that with 2.29.2 tidal keep freezing on 100mbs lan connection and on 2.30.3 tidal works fine but spotify work only with software mixer. common @iFi audio even after months of release this is what you can give to your...
  11. lalit099

    iFi audio ZEN Stream - Streaming elevated to a higher plane

    Still spotify only works with software mixer. Sad ifi u cannot even fix such small problems in months.
  12. lalit099

    iFi audio ZEN Stream - Streaming elevated to a higher plane

    Again can anyone help me guide how to play my hdd connected to zen stream through zen stream, i dont have roon and do not wish to use ifi app for it. any other way i can play hdd?