Recent content by Kyran
  1. Kyran

    My Schiit Modi Has Been Possessed by an RF Ghoul

    Not yet. I'm having an unusually difficult time finding one around here. I'll probably track one down online once I get paid and after I talk to Schiit next week.
  2. Kyran

    My Schiit Modi Has Been Possessed by an RF Ghoul

    Well like I said, other interfaces don't have the issue so it's some inherent sensitivity to interference in the Modi. I don't mean to say that the Modi is making noise all on its own. Obviously there's people with cleaner USB power who don't have this issue. But 2/2 computers I've tried have...
  3. Kyran

    My Schiit Modi Has Been Possessed by an RF Ghoul

    Hmm that's interesting. Obviously they seem to be more aware of how sensitive the Modi is than they let on. I'm surprised Alex didn't mention that they were about to release a product that fixes the exact problem we were trying to solve. Could have saved a fair bit of wasted time, not to mention...
  4. Kyran

    My Schiit Modi Has Been Possessed by an RF Ghoul

    Nope, I checked Walmart, Radio Shack, and The Source. I didn't think they'd be so hard to find. Lots of bus powered hubs but none with external PSUs. I'm probably just gonna go with Amazon instead of driving around trying to find a decent one somewhere. No store is closer than my mailbox.
  5. Kyran

    My Schiit Modi Has Been Possessed by an RF Ghoul

    Hey, I've been out of town for a while so I missed the replies to this thread, but I picked up a brand new USB cable to try on the off chance that all the ones I had laying around were garbage. I had a surprisingly hard time finding a powered hub anywhere so I was hoping the cable might do it. I...
  6. Kyran

    My Schiit Modi Has Been Possessed by an RF Ghoul

    So I've got a Modi/Magni stack. Everything was wonderful, butterflies would occasionally spring forth from the ventilation holes on the top of the Magni's chassis, the heat radiating from the top of the stack would keep my tea warm, those courageous white LEDs would keep the monsters away at...
  7. Kyran

    Shiit Modi to iPad issues

    I'm having a semi-related issue with my Modi. It seems it's a bit hungry for power. I'm getting RF noise when using it with my desktop, and we can't really figure out exactly what's going on. Something Schiit suggested that I haven't been able to try yet was using a powered USB hub. It's a bit...
  8. Kyran

    Continue to show price on closed classified ads??

    I agree. It works both ways. When considering a future purchase it makes it harder to gauge the average used priced of a phone in various conditions. You can compare new prices but that doesn't apply to discontinued phones, and doesn't account for variance in value retention of different phones...