
Headphone Inventory
Beyer DT-880-250-2003, AKG K791, AKG K81DJ, Ety ER4P with 4P to 4S Cable, Koss K75's, Koss PortaPro, Grado Sr-60 with Bowl and Flat Pads
Headphone Amp Inventory
Meier Corda Oprera, Meier Corda 3Move, Headroom Total Airhead
Source Inventory
iMac with Apple Lossless -->digital out, 16 GB iPod Touch - 1st Gen, 30 GB iPod - 5th Gen, 15 GB iPod - 3rd Gen, 4GB iPod Mini, 1GB iPod shuffle - 1st gen.
Cable Inventory
various mini to mini, Sik Din line out.


Home: iMac -> Apple Lossless -> USB -> Meier Corda Opera -> Beyer DT-880 250 or AKG K701
Portable: iPod 5G -> Apple Lossless -> Meier 3Move -> Ety ER-4S or AKG K81DJ