Recent content by kutjong
  1. kutjong

    Upsampled 24/96 playback on Audigy 2 and 24/96 in general

    Quote: Originally Posted by Duggeh The information in your first post is questioned by the information in your second, in the first you assert that 24/96 is the best way to go, and then you ask which sampling rate is the best. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that The P16V...
  2. kutjong

    For those who want the awesome SRC resampling fb2k plugin to be updated for 0.1.3

    Well, wikipedia is demanding donations all the time, do you think that's wrong? Almost all free software development is run by donations, take Azureus for example. It would never be in this state without donations. It is the donations that keep these projects running and Erik also bluntly says...
  3. kutjong

    For those who want the awesome SRC resampling fb2k plugin to be updated for 0.1.3

    Quote: Originally Posted by regal Its not about the money, they guy just wants some respect from people like you who expect to have everything handed to them freely. Time is valuable to people who actually have jobs and this designer deserves a little respect. Its attitudes like...
  4. kutjong

    Upsampled 24/96 playback on Audigy 2 and 24/96 in general

    Quote: Originally Posted by regal Just buy a decent card, you will be much happier with an Emu0404 or the ESI Juli. Your card can't give a bitperfect SPDIF which makes it worthless for serious audio. Well, as I said before, I'm only choosing to use the Audigy 2 ZS because of...
  5. kutjong

    Upsampled 24/96 playback on Audigy 2 and 24/96 in general

    Can anybody tell me if it's better to resample 44,1 kHz to 48 kHz or 96 kHz? I think I've read somewhere that optimal results would be received from 96 kHz since the resampler has more "headroom" to play with for resampling, while to 48 kHz there is only 3,9 kHz difference so it's harder for the...
  6. kutjong

    For those who want the awesome SRC resampling fb2k plugin to be updated for 0.1.3

    The point is that he doesn't see any point in updating the plugin because it looks like nobody respects his work, even though the SRC plugin is probably the best on-the-fly resampler out there! Guys, you have to remember that freeware is usually also used by the authors themselves, they then...
  7. kutjong

    What book are you reading right now?

    Currently reading: The Forgotten Soldier - Guy Sajer Fight Club - Chuck Palahniuk Naïve. Super - Erlend Loe (I love this book so far)
  8. kutjong

    Upsampled 24/96 playback on Audigy 2 and 24/96 in general

    Hi, I'm new to these forums, been lurking around for a few days and I think I'm really going to enjoy it here! I've recently purchased Sennheiser HD-595s and I should receive them tomorrow. On with the thread. All right, after spending a few days researching on the net, I think I've...
  9. kutjong

    For those who want the awesome SRC resampling fb2k plugin to be updated for 0.1.3

    As you probably know, the Secret Rabbit Code resampler is the best available resampler plugin for fb2k. Recently some months ago, SRC was updated (took only 4 years) to 0.1.3 with the following change: Quote: Version 0.1.3 (Mar 23 2008) Huge quality improvements to two best SINC based...